SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitleLanguage of instruction:Guarantor(s)Taught:Max. number of students:Min. number of students:sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examination4EU+
detail DA0101050 Biochemistry I. English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] no
detail DA0103036 Biochemistry II. English prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:3/4, C [HT] no
detail DA0103346 Biochemistry II English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:3/4, C [HT]
summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT]
detail DA0103446 Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:4/4, C [HT]
summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT]
detail DA0104036 Biochemistry II. English prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail DA0108390 Clinical Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT] no
detail DA0110090 Clinical Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail DA0112090 Clinical Biochemistry Czech not taught summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] no
detail DA1103446 Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:56/56, C [HS]
summer s.:56/56, C+Ex [HS]
detail DA1108390 Clinical Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT] no
detail DVA1028 OS - Clinical Pharmacology English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., MUDr. Hundie Tesfaye, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DVA11006 OS - Introduction to medicinal chemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., Mgr. Hana Lukšanová, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV01028 OS - Clinical Pharmacology Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., MUDr. Hundie Tesfaye, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HT] no
detail DV01100 OS - Nutrition in prevention of lifestyle diseases Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., MUDr. Matej Kohutiar, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail D01000113 Clinical Pharmacology Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HT] no
detail D0100065 Pathobiochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] no
detail D0101050 Medical Chemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0101051 Biochemistry I Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0103036 Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:3/4, C [HT] no
detail D0103046 Biochemistry II. Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:3/4, C [HT] no
detail D0103346 Biochemistry II Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:3/4, C [HT]
summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT]
detail D0103446 Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:4/4, C [HT]
summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT]
detail D0104036 Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0104046 Biochemistry II. Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0108231 Pathobiochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] no
detail D0108271 Organ biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] no
detail D0108390 Clinical Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0110090 Clinical Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0110271 Organ biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] no
detail D0112090 Clinical Bichemistry Czech not taught summer summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] no
detail D0201031 Chemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/5, C [HT]
summer s.:1/0, C [HT]
detail D0201036 Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0202031 Chemistry Czech not taught summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] no
detail D0401007 Essentials of Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0501007 Essentials of Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D060001 Pathobiochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0600011 General and Theoretical Chemistry Essentials Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0601007 Essentials of Biochemistry Czech prof. RNDr. Jiří Wilhelm, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0601013 Bioanalytical Chemistry English not taught winter winter s.:1/4, C [HT] no
detail D0601033 Bioanalytical Chemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/4, C [HT]
summer s.:1/4, C+Ex [HT]
detail D0601043 Bioanalytical Chemistry I Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc., prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0601047 Essentials of Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0602011 Clinical Biochemistry I Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:2/3, C [HT] no
detail D0602013 Bioanalytical Chemistry English not taught summer summer s.:1/3, C [HT] no
detail D0602015 Practice in Clinical Biochemistry English prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/4, C [HT] no
detail D0602017 Practice in Clinical Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/5, C [HT] no
detail D0602043 Bioanalytical Chemistry II Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc., prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0602054 Laboratory Training of Biochemistry Methods Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., doc. Ing. Karel Kotaška, Ph.D. not taught summer summer s.:0/4, C [HT] no
detail D0603003 Hematology Czech MUDr. Ivana Hochová not taught winter winter s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0603007 Analyse Determination in Medicine Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0603046 Analyse Determination in Medicine Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., doc. Ing. Karel Kotaška, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0603056 Laboratory Training from Analyse Determination in Medicine Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc., doc. Ing. Karel Kotaška, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:0/6, C [HT] no
detail D0604004 Transfusive Service Czech MUDr. Květoslava Petrtýlová not taught summer summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0604007 Analyse Determination in Medicine Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:3/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0605011 Clinical Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0605020 Proper Practice in Laboratory Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/4, C [HT] no
detail D0605023 Examination Methods in hygiene Czech doc. MUDr. Karel Dohnal, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] no
detail D0605025 Bachelor´s Thesis Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] no
detail D0605026 Pathobiochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0605040 Proper Practice in Laboratory Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc., doc. Ing. Karel Kotaška, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:2/3, C [HT] no
detail D0605041 Clinical Biochemistry II Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:4/2, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D0605043 Toxicology and Radiation Protection Czech doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/2, C [HT] no
detail D0605046 Bachelor´s Thesis Preparation Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT]
summer s.:11/11, C [HT]
detail D0606015 Final Bachelor´s Thesis Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, thesis [HT] no
detail D0606016 Laboratory Examination Methods Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/0, STEX [HT] no
detail D0606025 Bachelor´s Thesis Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:11/11, C [HT] no
detail D0606026 Biochemistry Practice Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] no
detail D0606032 Practice Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:0/12, C [HT] no
detail D0606045 Continuous Professional Practice Czech Mgr. Martina Bunešová, MBA not taught summer summer s.:0/10, C [HT] no
detail D0801006 Essentials of Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D09010003 Bichemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:8/6, C+Ex [HS] no
detail D1103446 Biochemistry I. Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught winter winter s.:4/4, C [HT] no
detail D1103447 Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:56/56, C [HS]
summer s.:56/56, C+Ex [HS]
detail D1104446 Biochemistry II. Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. not taught summer summer s.:4/4, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D1108390 Clinical Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT] no
detail D19010003 Basics of Biochemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:10/4, C+Ex [HS] no
detail D29010003 Basics of Bichemistry Czech prof. MUDr. Richard Průša, CSc. taught winter winter s.:10/4, C+Ex [HS] no
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