doc. PaedDr. Vanda Hájková, Ph.D.
| | |  |
|  Code |  Title |  Semester | Hours per week, examination | Department | Faculty | Virtual mobility | Capacity | 4EU+ |
OPBS3S143C |
Current Trends in Special Education |
both |
1/2, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNS4S022A |
Dodactics of inclusive pedagogy |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNS4S022A |
Didactics of inclusive pedagogy |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS4S041A |
Inclusive Education Didactics I |
summer |
summer s.:1/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS4S051A |
Inclusive Education Didactics II |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OK0518227 |
Handling and Facilitation, IC Technologies, Technical Devices in Special Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNS2S108A |
Individualization of educative procedures and design of Individual Educational Plans |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNSP18310 |
Inclusive education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBZ0P106A |
Inclusive education |
both |
0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS18UC16 |
Inclusive education |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBZ0P106A |
Inclusive education |
both |
1/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OK0518228 |
Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS24UC15 |
Inclusive pedagogy |
winter |
winter s.:10/0, C [HS] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBO1S128A |
Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBS3S128A |
Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS3S128A |
Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNS4S041A |
Communication at School Counseling Workplace |
summer |
summer s.:0/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS3S124A |
Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability |
winter |
winter s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBS3S124A |
Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OD0218012 |
Methodological aspects of inclusive education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, other [HS] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPDS1S107B |
Methodological aspects of inclusive education |
both |
0/0, other [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNS2S107A |
Methodology of inclusive pedagogy |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNO1S108A |
Methodology of Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNS3S108A |
Methodology of Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNS3S108A |
Methodology of Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNO3S201A |
Methodology of Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPMZ0Q124C |
Planning teaching aid pupils with special educational needs using the learning media assesment form |
summer |
summer s.:0/3, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS2S122B |
The practice in the elementary and secondary schools for pupils with physical disability and health disadvantage |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNS4S031B |
Deepening Course for Teachers of Special Education |
winter |
winter s.:0/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS4S061A |
Preparation of Transit Programs for Pupils with SEN |
summer |
summer s.:1/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNZ0S170C |
Preparation of teachers to create a supportive environment in an inclusive classroom |
both |
0/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS18UC36 |
Somatopaedy and its methodology II. |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKNS4S023A |
Continuous Practice at Primary School with Reflection |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPNS4S023A |
Continuous Practice at Primary School and Reflection |
summer |
summer s.:0/1, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBP3S105A |
Special education of disabled and physically handicapped individuals II. |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBO3S202A |
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability |
summer |
summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS4S013A |
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBS1S122A |
Special education of individuals with physical handicap II. |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBP1S159B |
Special education of persons with physical disability II |
summer |
summer s.:1/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS2S111A |
Special education of individuals (persons) with physical disability II. |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS3S105A |
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBO1S105A |
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OKBS3S105A |
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability |
winter |
winter s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OK0218212 |
Special Education - Individuals with Physical Handicap II |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, Ex [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS24UC10 |
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with physical disabilities I |
both |
10/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS24UC24 |
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with physical disabilities II |
summer |
summer s.:35/0, Ex [HS] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OPBS2S116A |
Introduction to Inclusive Education |
summer |
summer s.:1/0, C [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |
OCRS18UC14 |
Introduction to somatopedy |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, other [HT] |
41-KSP |
PedF |
no |
no |