The course introduces students of Social Work and other helping professions into the basics of philosophical thinking using brief introductions into selected disciplines of philosophy and individual readings of some key philosophical texts. It is assumed that this will help the students to further develop their capacities for more precise critical thinking which can/should be used in their professional practice.
Last update: Fischer Ondřej, Mgr. Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
To introduce selection of disciplines of philosophy, such as epistemology, metaphysics etc., and elucidate possible implications these disciplines may have on the study and practice of Social and Pastoral Work. Reading of a range of philosophical texts may increase the student’s ability of critical thinking.
Last update: Fischer Ondřej, Mgr. Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
In the course of the Term the students will read a) one philosophical text (40 pgs.), and write a review, b) write two short critical reflections of a short piece of texts (aprox. 200 - 300 words), and finish with c) final exam test or preparation for exams (10 mins) and d) short a discussion over the work handed in. Points a) and b) to be handed in not latedr than at least three days prior to the exam discussion. Last update: Fischer Ondřej, Mgr. Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (05.10.2021)
THOMPSON, Mel. An Introduction to Philosophy and Ethics. Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Print Us, 2019. REAMER, Frederic G. The philosophical foundations of social work. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. CHRISTIAN, James L. Philosophy: an introduction to the art of wondering. 8th ed. Belmont: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003. GRONDIN, Jean. Introduction to philosophical hermeneutics. New Haven: Yale University press, 1994. Last update: Fischer Ondřej, Mgr. Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
To obtain the credits the student have to a) present the review written on the basis of the text read in the course of the semester, b) present one of the critical reflections of the two texts read during the semester, c) write a short test/preparation for exam and d) a short oral exam. Last update: Fischer Ondřej, Mgr. Ing., M.A., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
Kurz v Moodlu: https://moodle.etf.cuni.cz/moodle/course/view.php?id=992 Klíč k zápisu: udfppp Last update: Širka Zdenko, Mgr., Th.D. (03.10.2023)