An attempt to interpret the main ethical emphases of various biblical writings and circles, a survey of the development of the interpretation and effect of texts that are of central importance for ethics (such as the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount). The participants get to know various Christian approaches to the moral interpretation of Scripture and try to shape their personal approach.
Last update: Maturová Klára, Mgr. (03.11.2021)
ANZENBACHER, Arno: Úvod do etiky. Praha 1994. COPP, David (ed.). The Oxford handbook of ethical theory. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. KOHÁK, Erazim: Svoboda, svědomí, soužití. Kapitoly z mezilidské etiky. Sociologické nakladatelství, Praha 2004. JONAS, Hans: Princip odpovědnosti. Praha 1997. KANT, Immanuel: Základy metafyziky mravů. Praha 1990. LAFOLLETTE, Hugh; PERSSON, Ingmar (eds.). The Blackwell guide to ethical theory. Chichesterester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. LÉVINAS, Emanuel: Etika a nekonečno. Praha 1994. NORMAN, Richard. The Moral Philosophers: An Introduction to Ethics. New York 1997 (2. vyd.). RACHELS, James (ed.). Ethical Theory. London, Oxford University 1998. SINGER, Peter. (ed.).A companion to ethics. Oxford : Blackwell, 1999. THOMPSON, Mel: Přehled etiky. Praha, Portál 2004. WEISCHEDEL, Wilhelm: Skeptická etika. Praha 1999. Last update: Maturová Klára, Mgr. (03.11.2021)