In this seminar the students will be invited to analyze and interpret selected texts related to various aspects of Jewish-Christian relations that were generated in the aftermath of "October 7th", i.e., the terrorist attack by Hamas in the State of Israel and the subsequent war led by Israeli military forces in Gaza. The texts will be of various genres, authority, and authorship. The purpose of the hermeneutic exercise will be to discern as much as possible what a text is saying, why it says it, and how it goes about doing so. It is not to critique the text or to offer an opposing viewpoint.
The students will acquire interpretive skills to be able to work hermeneutically with primary sources, at times with the help of secondary literature (if relevant), interpretive tools, and other relevant resources.
Last update: Bargár Pavol, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (30.07.2024)
select relevant texts (declarations, statements, op-eds, etc.), written by various authors (including Jewish, Catholic, Evangelical, Palestinian, etc.) - if necessary, the texts will be abbreviated up to ca. 1,000 words
Last update: Bargár Pavol, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (30.07.2024)