SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Pedagogy, Pedagogy of Sport - PPPD223
Title: Pedagogika a pedagogika sportu
Guaranteed by: Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Faculty: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: PhDr. Kamil Kotlík, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): PhDr. Kamil Kotlík, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : PPPD223K
Interchangeability : PPPD223K
Is interchangeable with: PPPD223K
In complex pre-requisite: PPPD224
Annotation -
The subject gives a background of a theory and praxis of an educational process within the preparation of future PE teachers, coaches of all sports, physiotherapeuts, teachers of disadvantaged youth etc.
Last update: Kotlík Kamil, PhDr., Ph.D. (29.05.2023)
Aim of the course -

After completing the course, students should understand the meaning and position of pedagogy, or sports pedagogy in contemporary society. Furthermore, they should know basic pedagogical principles such as being able to apply them in the teaching of physical education, or in the process of sports training. Students should be able to choose from their personal competence portfolio adequate methods and procedures for different educational situations. Furthermore, students should be able to choose adequate pedagogical procedures with regard to the ontogenetic stage of the given group. Last but not least, the aim of the subject is to make clear to students the importance of a lifelong and continuous process of education.

Specific expected outcomes:

- student understands the importance of a pedagogy as well as of a sport pedagogy for contemporary and also for future society

- student understands the process of socialization and also its impact on a young individual, student is able to distinguish particular stages of socialization

- student knows pedagogical terminology and uses it actively and purposefully

- student identifies problems, which can occur id the educational process

- student is able to comment critically towards current social issues from the pedagogical point of view

- student is able to apply main pedagogical and didactic pinciples

- student communicates by a suitable way in the educational process

- student can critically evaluate the importance of free time for individuals and contemporary society

- student can critically evaluate the meaning of the experience in the educational process

- student orients himself in the legislative setting of the educational process

- student can prepare a suitable educational program or its parts

Last update: Kotlík Kamil, PhDr., Ph.D. (29.05.2023)
Literature - Czech

JANSA, P. Pedagogika sportu [online]. V Praze: Karolinum, 2012 [cit. 2018-02-05]. ISBN 978-80-246-2026-8.

JANSA, Petr a Josef DOVALIL. Sportovní příprava: vybrané teoretické obory : stručné dějiny tělesné výchovy a sportu, základy pedagogiky a psychologie sportu, fyziologie sportu, sportovní trénink, sport zdravotně postižených, sport a doping, úrazy ve sportu a první pomoc, základy sportovní regenerace a rehabilitace, sportovní management. Praha: Q-art, 2007. ISBN 80-903280-8-3.

DVOŘÁČEK, Jiří. Základy pedagogiky. V Praze: Oeconomica, 2014. Vysokoškolská učebnice. ISBN 978-80-245-2014-8.

JANSA, Petr. Komparace názorů a postojů české veřejnosti k životosprávě, pohybovým aktivitám a sportu [online]. Praha: Karolinum, 2014 [cit. 2018-02-05]. ISBN 978-80-246-2444-0.

Last update: Hojka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (11.10.2022)
Requirements to the exam -

Credit: written test (e-form)

Exam: first and second attempt by a written test, third attepmt by an oral exam

Topics for an exam:

1. Výchova a vzdělávání ve starověku

2. Církevní školy a rytířská výchova

3. Scholastika a středověké univerzity

4. Pedagogika J. A. Komenského

5. Pedagogika T. Locka

6. Pedagogika J. J. Rousseaua

7. Pedagogický systém J. F. Herbarta a herbartismus

8. Filantropismus

9. Přínos M. Tyrše a Sokola

10. Pragmatická pedagogika

11. Pedagogika G. Héberta

12. Alternativní školy

13. Obecná východiska a hlavní znaky pedagogiky, členění pedagogiky, základní pojmy tradiční a moderní pedagogiky

14. Kurikulární zabezpečení edukačního procesu v ČR a jeho změny od roku 1989

15. Žák jako subjekt řízený a učitel jako subjekt řídící (postavení, prestiž, kompetence, osobnost, typologie atd.)

16. Zásady, metody, úkoly a cíle v tělesné výchově

17. Sportovní a olympijská výchova, fair-play

18. Ontogeneze a její periodizace

19. Mladší školní věk a sport

20. Starší školní věk a sport

21. Adolescence a sport

22. Sport v dospělosti

23. Vývoj pedagogiky sportu

24. Pedagogika volného času

25. Zážitková pedagogika

26. Komunikace z pohledu pedagogiky

27. Paměť

28. Učení - cvičení, klasické podmiňování, operativní podmiňování, učení vhledem, aha-zážitek

29. Motorické učení

30. Kognitivní učení

31. Sociální učení

32. Metody pedagogického výzkumu

Last update: Kotlík Kamil, PhDr., Ph.D. (17.12.2024)
Syllabus -


1. Sense of the pedagogy in context of contemporary social development

2. Historical background of the birth of pedagogy

3. Basic pedagogical terms

4. Factors of development and human ontogenetics

5. Structure of educational processes

6. Basics of sport pedagogy

7. Research methods in sport pedagogy

8. Education in ancient times

9. Christian education and upbringing

10. Pedagogy in renaissance and humanistic pedagogy

11. Alternative and inovative pedagogical conceptions

12. Sport activities as a mean of a socialization of children and youth

13. Introduction into a motor learning

14. Basics of pedagogical diagnostics; communication in pedagogy

Last update: Kotlík Kamil, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.12.2019)
Learning resources -

Lectures of a subject Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Sport are realized by MS Teams.
Name of the team: Pedagogika a pedagogika sportu (PPPD209)
Code of the team: t9so5bn
Link to the team:

Study materials (presentations, sources, control tests from particular topics, list of questions, short vidoes etc.) are available in Moodle course.
Name of the course: Pedagogika - bakalářské studium na FTVS UK
Link to the course:

Last update: Kotlík Kamil, PhDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2023)
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