The subject builds on the knowledge that students have already acquired during the study of physiology, anthropomotorics, pedagogy and didactics, psychology and sociology, philosophy. Students will gain a broader and deeper insight into the issue of motor learning control in general and motor learning in particular. They will be introduced to theories of learning, to the biological and social nature of learning. The content of the subject is directed primarily to specific theories of sensorimotor learning, control and regulation of movements when learning movement skills and activities, and to students' acquisition and understanding of application algorithms in pedagogical and physical education practice.
Last update: Peřinová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.08.2023)
Competence of the subject graduate (learning outcomes): · The student is able to list the key problems of motor control (cognitive dimension), demonstrate them in a specific movement and present proposed solutions (application dimension) · According to their own preferences, the student selects (affective dimension) and mentions relevant important figures from history and their influence on later developments in motor control and learning research (cognitive dimension). · The student assigns relevant attributes to individual theories (cognitive dimension), argues the use of selected theoretical approaches from the point of view of sports practice (application dimension). · The student can describe and graphically depict an information processing scheme, including a feedback loop, and assign this approach to a relevant theoretical concept (cognitive dimension). · The student will state the factors influencing decision-making (cognitive dimension) and the application is in the context of one's own sports practice (application, affective dimension). · The student will explain the principle of embodied cognition and the differences (cognitive dimension) between this approach and his chosen theory of motor learning (affective dimension). · The student demonstrates different views on the phase of motor learning: Fitts and Posner, Bernstein, Gentill, Rychtecký (cognitive dimension) and application, using the example of the specified movement skill (application dimension) and why the course of the learning phase (affective dimension). · Using a mind map, the student will graphically record and describe the issue of feedback in motor learning (cognitive, application dimensions). Note: However, the learning outcomes (acquired competencies) usually contain all dimensions, i.e. knowledge, skills and the attitude component are listed for the individual outcomes for clarity. Last update: Peřinová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.08.2023)
BERTRAND, Y. Soudobé teorie vzdelávaní. Edtion ed.: Portál, sro, 1998. ISBN 8071782165. ČÁP, J. Psychologie výchovy a vyučování. Edtion ed.: Karolinum, 1993. ISBN 8070665343. ČÁP, J. AND J. MAREŠ. Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál. 2001.. KLUKA, D. A. Motor behavior: From learning to performance. Edtion ed.: Morton, 1999. ISBN 0895823861. LINHART, J. AND V. CHMELAŘ Proces a struktura lidského učení, Věd. red.: Vilém Chmelař. Edtion ed., 1972. LINHART, J. Základy psychologie učení. Edtion ed.: SPN, 1982. MAGIL, R. A., Motor Learning; Concepts and Application. 6th edition. New York, USA: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 2001. MAZÁČOVÁ, N., Vybrané problémy obecné didaktiky. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta.2014. RYCHTECKÝ, A. Senzorické a percepční předpoklady herní činnosti. In: L. Čepička. Hry 2006, výzkum a aplikace. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 6 - 16. SCHMIDT, R. Motor control and performance: From principles to practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1991. Last update: Krupková Dominika, Mgr. (21.10.2022)
credit requirements - 80% attendance and active participation in seminars (individual, group activities, project work) - handing in the seminar work (it is a portfolio of processed outputs from seminars and assigned tasks) exam requirements (mostly knowledge is evaluated, even with an overlap into the application level) - credit is a prerequisite - the first attempt takes the form of a written test (without a time limit); questions have the form of closed and open answers, choice of options; further attempts to pass the exam are in the form of an oral interview - if the student requests, it is possible to take the exam orally on the first attempt Last update: Peřinová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.08.2023)
Lectures: 1. Phylogenetic basis of learning, ontogenetic foundations of learning. 2. Biological concepts and psychological theories of learning. 3. Movement skills. Research in sensorimotor learning. 4. Theory of motor control and theory of motor learning. 5. Neuropsychological foundations of skill acquisition. Mechanisms and agents in sensorimotor learning. 6. Time course of learning, determinants and results of the sensorimotor course of learning. 7. Group dynamics in motor learning. Ways of determining the level of skill acquisition (psychological and physiological instrumentation). Seminars: 1. Reflection, instinct, purposeful behavior and action. 2. Types of learning. (experiments in learning research) 3. Sensorimotor learning in practice. Classification of movement skills, classification criteria. 4. Somato-sensory system. Transfer. 5. Regulation and control of motor skills during learning. Memory. 6. Types of motor learning. Characteristics of the "pupil" (attention, motivation, feedback). 7. Factors influencing learning and performance. Optimal organization and structure of effective learning of new movement skills. Last update: Peřinová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D. (07.08.2023)
LMS kurz Teorie a aplikace motorického učení umístění v moodle3: https://dl3.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=118 Studijní opora je určena studentům předmětu. Ti po zapsání do předmětu získají od vyučující přístupové heslo. Last update: Peřinová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D. (20.10.2022)