Ethics - PKIN134
Definition of the relation between ethics and other disciplines of arts. Key personalities of the history of ethics and their teachings. The Ten Commandments and Christian ethics, with the emphasis on the Protestant branch and it resulting in the capitalist social system. Ethics of virtues and basic lines of deontology. Kant and his categorical imperative. Application of fundamental ethics in the sphere of the ethics of economy. A. Smith and the fundamentals of the ethics of economy. Ethics of management.
Last update: KRASILOV (05.02.2007)
ANZENBACHER, Arno. Úvod do etiky. Přel. Karel Šprunk. Praha : Zvon, 1994. 292 s. Přel. z: Einfűhrung in die Ethik. Dűsseldorf : Patmos Verlag, 1992. ISBN 80-7113-111-3.,HOGENOVÁ, Anna. Etika a sport. Praha : Karolinum, 1997. 119 s. ISBN 80-7184-499-3., SEKNIČKA, Pavel a kol. Úvod do hospodářské etiky. Praha : CODEX Bohemia, 1997. 192 s. ISBN 80-85963-40-X. Last update: KRASILOV (05.02.2007)