SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Didactics of Gymnastics - PGYM132N
Title: Didaktika gymnastiky
Guaranteed by: Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Faculty: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
Points: 0
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: summer s.:combined
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/3, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: 70 / 57 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: prefer medical statement
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): Mgr. Jana Černá
Mgr. Karolína Drahotová
Mgr. Jan Chrudimský, Ph.D.
Mgr. Kateřina Kolbová
PhDr. Jaroslav Krištofič
PhDr. Roman Malíř
Is interchangeable with: PGYM132NK
Annotation -
The content of the course expands practical, theoretical and didactic knowledge in sub-fields of gymnastics. Focuses on didactics of teaching exercises on tools and acrobatic exercises, didactics of exercises with traditional and non-traditional equipment and music-movement composition and other gymnastics skills that can be used in school physical education and in the sports environment. Through structured curriculum, illustrative examples and practical exercises, the student acquires theoretical and didactic knowledge and skills, which he applies to his own teaching of gymnastic activities. The graduate of the course is able to independently and creatively create, implement and teach gymnastic activities for different groups of the population, aimed at cultivating movement expression, acquiring gymnastic skills and stimulating movement creativity.
Last update: Kozáková Alena, PhDr., Ph.D. (13.10.2022)
Aim of the course -

The aim of the course is to acquire competences to include and lead gymnastic activities in different sports programmes and especially in school TV lessons.

After taking and completing the course, the student understands the importance and impact of gymnastic activities and their inclusion in physical activity regimens and programs.

The student is able to independently plan, manage, and evaluate programs and instruction with a gymnastic focus and is able to respond to current environmental conditions and the demands of his/her students and clients.

The student is able to prepare gymnastic equipment, aids, and apparatus to implement gymnastics instruction and programs.

The student is able to demonstrate basic gymnastic skills on tumbling, trapeze, vault, and rings.

The student is able to delineate the key points of technique for a given gymnastic element or movement, provide feedback, and apply an appropriate methodological series for practicing the element, movement, or skill, including methods and options for additional assistance.

The student is able to apply a variety of didactic styles in gymnastic exercises, thus increasing the effectiveness of teaching and the attractiveness of the programme for heterogeneous groups.

The student masters basic manipulative skills with equipment, both traditional (jump rope, hoops, balls, ribbons, scarves, bars) and non-traditional (PET bottles, rattling cans, hats, hockey sticks, etc.).

The student will be able to create music and movement choreography with musical accompaniment, both without and with the use of apparatus, for individuals and the whole group.

The student can provide informed reflection on the didactic performances of their colleagues.

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (13.09.2023)
Course completion requirements -

90% attendance in classes.

Practical Experience:

In the field of artistic gymnastics: Mastery of requirements in acrobatics, on the parallel bars, and in vaulting; didactic presentation focused on practicing and mastering a selected gymnastic element.

In the field of rhythmic gymnastics: Creation and presentation of a music-movement routine with apparatus as part of a didactic presentation.

In the field of movement composition: Creation of a music-movement choreography in a group and active participation in a showcase of movement compositions.

Completion of a seminar paper on an assigned topic:

In the field of artistic gymnastics: Comprehensive analysis of a selected gymnastic element (which is simultaneously the content of the didactic presentation).

In the field of rhythmic gymnastics: Written elaboration of a music-movement routine with selected apparatus for a didactic presentation.

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Literature -


CHRUDIMSKÝ, J., KRIŠTOFIČ, J., MAREK, J., VORÁLKOVÁ, J. Gymnastika v obrazech. Praha : UK FTVS, 2012. Multimediální učební text. CD. ISBN 978-80-86317-91-5.

CHRUDIMSKÝ, J., ŠIMŮNKOVÁ, I., NOVOTNÁ, V. a kol. Gymnastická terminologie. Praha : UK FTVS, 2013. Multimediální učební text. CD. ISBN 978-80-87647-00-4.

KOLEKTIV autorů. Gymnastika. Praha, Karolinum, 2009, 114 s. ISBN 978-80-246-1733-5.

NOVOTNÁ, V. PANSKÁ, Š., Šimůnková, I. Rytmická gymnastika a pohybová skladba. Praha : UK FTVS, 2011. ISBN 978-80-86317-83-0.

NOVOTNÁ, V. a kol. Programy gymnastiky a tance. Praha: Karolinum, 2020. ISBN 978-80-246-4599-5; ISBN 978-80-246-4619-0(pdf).


NOVOTNÁ, V. A KOLEKTIV. Gymnastika jako tvůrčí akt. (2012). Praha: Karolinum, 136 s. ISBN 978-80-246-2116-6.

ZÍTKO, M. CHRUDIMSKÝ, J. Akrobacie. Praha: ČASPV, 2006. II. rozšířené vydání. ISBN 80-86586-17-0.

KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Nářaďová gymnastika. Praha: ČOS, 2008.

KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Fyzikální aspekty sportovní techniky. Praha: Karolinum. 1996, 92 s. ISBN 80-7184-130-7.

MIHULE, J., ŠŤASTNÁ, D. Rytmická gymnastika. Praha: Karolinum, 1993. 222 s.

NOVOTNÁ, V. aj. Fit programy pro ženy. Praha: Grada, 2006. 225 s. ISBN 80-247-1191-5.

KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Gymnastická průprava sportovce. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004. 188 s. ISBN 80-247-1006-4.

KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Fyzikální aspekty sportovní techniky. Praha: Karolinum, 1996. 92 s. IBSN 382-101-96.

KRIŠTOFIČ, J. Nářaďová gymnastika. Praha: Česká obec sokolská, 2008.

SKOPOVÁ, M., ZÍTKO, M. a kol. Základní gymnastika. Praha: Karolinum, 2013. ISBN 978-80-246-1478-6.

SKOPOVÁ, M., BERÁNKOVÁ, J. Aerobik - kompletní průvodce. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-80-247-1746-3.

TŮMA, Z. ZÍTKO, M. A KOL. Kapitoly o gymnastice. Praha: ČOS, 2004. 68 s. ISBN 80-86402-13-4.

VELÍNSKÁ, E. Lidové tance. Praha: Ústřední škola ČOS, 1999. 105 s.

ZÍTKO, M. CHRUDIMSKÝ, J. Akrobacie II - Od přemetu k saltu. Videomateriál ve formátu VHS a DVD. Praha: ČASPV, 2005.

ZÍTKO, M. CHRUDIMSKÝ, J. Akrobacie. Praha: ČASPV, 2006. II. rozšířené vydání. ISBN 80-86586-17-0.

ZÍTKO a kol. Všeobecná gymnastika. Praha: ČASPV, 2000. ISBN 80-902509-7-1.

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Requirements to the exam -

Oral Examination - covering the theory and didactics of artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, movement composition, and dance.

The requirements for acquiring knowledge and competencies of the subject are defined in the material "Areas of Questions for the Examination," and they are part of the study materials stored in the MS Teams application. The link is attached below in the Study Materials section.

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
Syllabus -

Lecture topics:

1. Application of new approaches in teaching gymnastics to different population groups. Competition and decision making in gymnastic sports.

2. Aspects of gymnastics didactics I

3. Aspects of gymnastics didactics II

4. Specifics of motor learning in gymnastics

5. Technique and analysis of gymnastic activities

6. Didactics of music-movement relations of exercises without and with apparatus and dance

7. Music-movement composition - movement composition in gymnastic sports and in Gymnastics for All. History and development of gymnastic performances in our country and in the world. Movement compositions in school TV.

Content and topics of the music and movement composition seminars:

1. Creative activity in the creation of music-movement composition. Components of movement composition (movement, music, choreography) in music-movement motifs. Movement content of compositions. Choice of musical subject matter. Own creation of a music-movement motif.

2. The process of realization of a musical-movement composition. Musical-movement motifs, etudes and movement compositions. Idea, theme, idea of the composition. Principles of creating a movement composition. Movement compositions without instruments. Self-creation of musical-movement etudes without instruments.

3. Procedure for creating a movement composition. Stimulus for own creative activity in the creation of a movement composition. Movement compositions with instruments. Self-creation of a music-movement etude with tools. Evaluation of the movement composition.

4. Musical-movement improvisation. Using creative impulses, dramaturgical cues and musical inspirations to create a movement response. Actual creation of a movement composition and its presentation.

5. Creative activity in the creation of a music and movement composition based on the content of Rhythmic Gymnastics, exercises with equipment.

6. Creative activity in the creation of a music-movement composition based on the content of a selected gymnastic sport.

7. Musical-movement composition based on the content of dance. Modern forms of exercise with music.

The content and topics of seminars on exercises on tools and in acrobatics:

1. 1. Acrobatic (motor-functional) training in the didactics of exercises on tools and in acrobatics

2. Assisting and rescuing in aerobatics and acrobatics 2.

3. Didactics of selected gymnastic skills in acrobatics I

4. Didactics of selected gymnastic skills on gymnastic equipment I

5. Didactics of selected gymnastic skills in acrobatics II

6. Didactics of selected gymnastic skills on gymnastic apparatus II

7. Didactics of selected gymnastic skills on gymnastic apparatus III

8. Didactic methods and styles in practical application - examples of use

9. Principles and implementation of creating routines on gymnastic apparatus and in acrobatics

10. - 14. Didactic outcomes - practical outcomes of students focused on teaching gymnastic skills

The syllabus was created in the project: Support of undergraduate education of future teachers at Charles University

Registration number: CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_068/0016093

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (13.09.2023)
Learning resources -

Study materials are available:

In the MS Teams application in the study class titled FTVS_Didactics of Gymnastics PGYM132N, 132NK under the Files tab. The code for joining the team is y9u4zfi.

Any hybrid teaching takes place via MS Teams. The study group name is FTVS_Didactics of Gymnastics PGYM132N, 132NK, and the joining code is y9u4zfi.

Last update: Zdobinský Adam, PhDr. (10.11.2023)
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