SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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History of the Philosophy of Education - OPDX1O101B
Title: Dějiny filozofie výchovy
Guaranteed by: Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2020
Semester: both
E-Credits: 0
Hours per week, examination: 0/0, other [HT]
Extent per academic year: 8 [hours]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: combined
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
enabled for web enrollment
can be fulfilled in the future
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Naděžda Pelcová, CSc.
Annotation -
The course "History of the Philosophy of Education" is based on the concept of so-called "performative philosophy"; philosophy in which the main goal is to cultivate, transform and educate a person, to nurture his/her human and civic virtues, and to develop creativity in relation to the world and self-creation. Education is therefore revealed here in three areas of meaning - as a person's relationship to the world (care of the cosmos, care of logos), as the relationship between a person and society (care of the polis) and as a person’s relationship with her/himself (care of the soul). A part of this course is a philosophical interpretation of pedagogical concepts, which involves monitoring changes in educational discourse from its beginnings to the present day, with an emphasis on modern and postmodern educational situations. Goals and content: The main goal of the course is to develop and cultivate students' ability to critically reflect on and evaluate teaching and educational professions, the meaning of education and current efforts to reform education, as well as to encourage students to question the methodological foundations of education, especially with regard to their own professional profile and experiences. In terms of content, it is an analysis of spiritual, phenomenological, hermeneutic, pragmatic and postmodern concepts of education. The main topics: • Ontological concepts of education (archetypes of education) - education as caring for the soul, as e-ducatio and as emendation (correction). Education as a way to reach harmony between the world and the individual. • Instrumental education at the beginning of the modern age, the source of the subject-object schedule of the world and its effects on education at the beginning of the modern age. Concepts of open and closed souls. Science and knowledge. • Changes to education in modern times - education to perfection, as the development of possibilities, education as a meeting, education as a dialogue, as an “agon”. The three dimensions of education - socialization, individuation and transcendence. Education as a movement of life. Education in an educational society. The crisis of education and education as a way out of the crises of the world.
Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (23.11.2020)
Course completion requirements -

Defense within the subject, elaboration of a professional article for publication for a domestic academical journal or in a conference proceeding.

Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (17.11.2020)
Literature -

Obligatory literature:


Education and “Pädagogik”– Philosophical and Historical Reflections (Central, Southern and South-Eastern Europe) Eds. Blanka Kudláčová, Andrej Rajský. Berlin : Peter Lang 2019, ISBN 978-3-631-77511-0. Bratislava : Veda 2019. ISBN 978-80-224-1717-4.

PELCOVÁ, N. SEMRÁDOVÁ, I. Fenomén výchovy a etika učitelského povolání. Praha: Karolinum 2014. Počet stránek 220. ISBN  978-80-2462-636-9.


Recommended literature:


FINK, E. Erziehungswissenschaft und Lebenslehre. Freiburg: Rombach 1978.

FINK, EUGEN. Metaphysik der Erziehung im Weltverständnis von Plato und Aristoteles. Frankfurt a. Main: Vittorio Klostermann 1970.

FINK, EUGEN. Natur, Freiheit, Welt. Philosophie der Erziehung. Würzburg : Könighausen u. Neumann 1992. ISBN 3-88479-674-7.

HOGENOVÁ, Anna. Jak pečujeme o svou duši?. Vyd. 2., upr. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta, 2009. 257 s. ISBN 978-80-7290-395-5.

PALOUŠ, Radim. Ars docendi. Vyd. 1. Praha: Karolinum, 2004. 127 s. ISBN 80-246-0855-3.

PATOČKA, Jan, CHVATÍK, Ivan, ed. a KOUBA, Pavel, ed. Péče o duši: soubor statí a přednášek o postavení člověka ve světě a v dějinách. III, Kacířské eseje o filosofii dějin. 1. vyd. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2002. 842 s. Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky; sv. 3. ISBN 80-7298-054-8.

PATOČKA, Jan, CHVATÍK, Ivan, ed. a KOUBA, Pavel, ed. Péče o duši: soubor statí a přednášek o postavení člověka ve světě a v dějinách. I, Stati z let 1929-1952. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 1996. 505 s. Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky; sv. 1. Oikúmené. ISBN 80-86005-24-0.

PATOČKA, Jan, KOUBA, Pavel, ed. a CHVATÍK, Ivan, ed. Péče o duši: soubor statí a přednášek o postavení člověka ve světě a v dějinách. II, Stati z let 1970-1977, nevydané texty a přednášky ze sedmdesátých let. 1. vyd. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 1999. 398 s. Oikúmené. Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky; sv. 2. ISBN 80-86005-91-7.

Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (17.11.2020)
Teaching methods -

Seminar, consultations and individual work.

Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (17.11.2020)
Requirements to the exam -

Self-study of recommended literature.

Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (17.11.2020)
Registration requirements - Czech

Doporučeno pro 1. ročník studia

Last update: Hauser Michael, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (24.10.2020)
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