The course focuses on developing and deepening knowledge in the field of spatial and object and action creation. Students have the opportunity to verify their own ability to perceive and artistically - artistically grasp a specific real space or place with a work that is part of a public or potential gallery space. The course focuses on the more independent creative work of the future teacher as a personality who can transform artistic thinking into pedagogical practice. The course connects the components of the act of creation and presentation of creative procedures and the final solution of the project. The course aims to deepen and cultivate knowledge in the field of spatial, object-oriented creation as a means for a systemic part of the complex preparation of students for teaching art education in the context of the history and present of the art scene. Further development of the creative component of personality, practical and theoretical knowledge, the ability to think critically in the context of the contemporary art scene, the search for self-expression and orientation in the field of contemporary art. The aim is also to be able to find your solution to the concept on the currently assigned topic within the semester, realized by an adequate artistic grasp in a given time and space. Another important goal of the course is to cultivate the ability to present their artistic attitudes in communication with the audience as training for creative progress in the pedagogical environment. The introductory meeting, acquaintance with the content of the semester and the topic of the semester, acquaintance with the schedule of partial tasks aimed at finalizing the semester project; joint studio work and individual work as an initial elaboration of the topic; joint and individual visits to contemporary art exhibitions with subsequent discussions and reflections placed in a timetable according to current needs; partial presentation of developed projects with individual approach; individual work on projects under the guidance of an art teacher and artist. Individual artistic realization of projects in different time trajectories leading to a partial presentation before finalization; finalization, presentation, joint reflection, teacher feedback.
Last update: Fišerová Zuzana, Mgr., Ph.D. (25.02.2022)
Aktivní účast, seminární práce. Výstupem je výstava prací či prezentace autorského portfolia s reflexí vlastní tvorby, společné i individuální konzultace. Last update: Fišerová Zuzana, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.07.2019)
Základní literatura je k dispozici v Knihovně PedF UK, Knihovně Uměleckoprůmyslového muzea, Knihovně Celetná FF UK, na online databázích oborových časopisů IJETA (International Journal for Education through Art/ https://www.intellectbooks.com/), IJADE (International Journal of Art & Design Education/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/). Last update: Straková Hana, Ing. (23.09.2019)