Digital Media - OPBV4V051B
Title: Digitální média
Guaranteed by: Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
Extent per academic year: 0 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / 15 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Martin Raudenský, Ph.D.
Mgr. MgA. Sylva Francová, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): MgA. Bc. Eva Horská
Pre-requisite : OPBV4V032A
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   WS schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
Introduction to the field of digital media. The course is designed as a creative workshop supplemented by a number of lectures. Basics of working with moving images and sound. Origin and historical changes in the field of visual communication, taking into account the specifics of the moving image. The seminar introduces the issue of creating a moving image. By completing the course, students will acquire basic skills for the application of multimedia resources and techniques. The student will learn to interpret photographic, video and audio material in terms of information content and aesthetic qualities. They will consider the possibilities and ways of mediating the topic in the application to art education. The aim of the module is to look at the principles and context of digital media in the context of contemporary visual culture. Work on a series of art exercises. To explore the phases of the creative process and its dynamics, to raise issues of motivation to create, to reflect on the cognitive and expressive aspects of creation. The student will gain basic practical knowledge and skills in the field of technology development. The student will gain a basic orientation in the field of electronic media theory and visual communication. The student will be able to discuss the main ethical issues related to the use of digital media in media practice. The introductory meeting, assignment of semester work, I as an author, I as a teacher; Individual consultations; realization of practical output; credit term, a colloquium on the resulting portfolios; The student is able to illuminate and defend the content and formal form of their own project, explain the basic ways and principles of solution, design a way to present their work in the form of a portfolio.
Last update: Fišerová Zuzana, Mgr., Ph.D. (25.02.2022)
Course completion requirements - Czech

V průběhu předmětu budeme zkoušet různé digitální nástroje na tvorbu 2D a 3D animace, na postprodukci videa, jednoudché herní enginy a další programy pro tvorbu digitálního obsahu. Výstupem by měla být krátká animace nebo interaktivní hra, kde si účastník kurzu vyzkouší kombinovat tyto nástroje.

Lze prezentovat i širší kolekci výstupů ve formě prezentace zkoušení jednotlivých technik a nástrojů.

Last update: Buchta Vojtěch, Mgr. MgA. (15.09.2023)
Literature - Czech

Základní literatura je k dispozici v Knihovně PedF UK, Knihovně Uměleckoprůmyslového muzea, Knihovně Celetná FF UK, na online databázích oborových časopisů IJETA (International Journal for Education through Art/, IJADE (International Journal of Art & Design Education/  
CZESANY DVOŘÁKOVÁ, T. Jak vznikl film. Praha: Argo. 2017. ISBN 978-80-257-2281-7 
DUTKA, E. Minimum z dějin světové animace. Praha: NAMU, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7331-253-4 
ŠVANKMAJER, J. Jan Švankmajer: možnosti dialogu: mezi filmem a volnou tvorbou. Praha: Arbor vitae, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7467-015-2 
BOURRIAUD, N.: Postprodukce. Praha: Tranzit, 2004. ISBN 80-903452-0-4 
MANOVICH, L. Principy nových médií [online]. 2002: Dostupné z: 
MONACO, J.: Jak číst film: Svět filmů, médií a multimédií. Praha: Albatros, 2004. ISBN 80-00-01410-6 
McLUHAN, M. Jak rozumět médiím. Praha: Odeon, 1991. ISBN 80-207-0296-2 
NEDĚLA, J. (ed.). Animace ilustrace. Olomouc: Pastiche Filmz, 2010. ISBN 978-80-904515-3-7 
POKORNÝ, M. (ed.). Filmy bez kina / Movies Without Cinema. Brno: Dům umění města Brna. 2003. ISBN 80-7009-136-3 
POŠ, J. Výtvarníci animovaného filmu. Praha: Odeon, 1990. ISBN 80-207-0159-1 
Studijní opory jsou umístěny na, v sekci STUDIUM

Last update: Straková Hana, Ing. (27.09.2019)