Didactics of Pedagogical Sciences I introduces students to the issues of didactic thinking, introduces them to the specifics of didactics of pedagogy, provides them with an orientation in the curriculum of pedagogical subjects at different types of schools, focuses on the issue of setting goals and planning the teaching of pedagogical subjects. This course also addresses the issue of professional development and professional self-concept.
Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.09.2024)
Students identify and discuss the specifics of didactics of pedagogy, characterize fundamental didactic concepts related to planning the teaching of pedagogical subjects, prove orientation in the curriculum of teaching pedagogical sciences in secondary schools, and perform didactic analysis. They reflect on their professional development and plan further professional growth. Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.09.2024)
Předmět má 5 kredity dle ECTS, celková časová zátěž studenta odpovídá 135 hodinám. Doba očekávané přípravy na 1 hodinu přednášky 30 minut, doba očekávané přípravy na 1 hodinu semináře 45 minut, samostudium literatury (za celý semestr) 12 hodin, práce se studijními materiály (za celý semestr) 15 hodin, plnění průběžných úkolů (za celý semestr) 18 hodin. Seminární práce 10 hodin, příprava na zkoušku a zkouška 20 hodin. Last update: Zvírotský Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (30.08.2021)
The course ends with an examination, where the examination takes the form of a defence of the prepared documents to obtain a certificate. The conditions for passing the course are: - attendance of at least 70%.
Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.09.2024)
Korthagen, F. A. J. et al. Jak spojit praxi s teorií: didaktika realistického vzdělávání učitelů. 1. vyd. Brno: Paido, 2011. Kyriacou, C. (2012). Klíčové dovednosti učitele: cesty k lepšímu vyučování (Vyd. 4). Praha: Portál. Musil, R. (2014). Pedagogika pro střední pedagogické školy. Praha: Informatorium. Národní ústav pro vzdělávání: Rámcové vzdělávací programy [Online]. (2019). Retrieved from http://www.nuv.cz/t/rvp Petty, G. (2013). Moderní vyučování (6., rozš. a přeprac. vyd.). Praha: Portál. Skalková, J. (2007). Obecná didaktika: vyučovací proces, učivo a jeho výběr, metody, organizační formy vyučování. Praha: Grada. Stodůlková, E., & Zapletalová, E. (2015). Pedagogika pro střední školy (Druhé, aktualizované a rozšířené vydání). Beroun: Machart. Šeďová, K., Švaříček, R., & Šalamounová, Z. (2012). Komunikace ve školní třídě. Praha: Portál. Vališová, A., Kasíková, H., & Bureš, M. (2011). Pedagogika pro učitele (2., rozš. a aktualiz. vyd). Praha: Grada. Zormanová, L. (2014). Obecná didaktika: pro studium a praxi. Praha: Grada. Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.09.2024)
1. Introduction to the theoretical framework of disciplinary didactic thinking: disciplinary, subject, general, transdisciplinary didactics 2. Field didactics of pedagogy as a distinct discipline, specifics of didactics of pedagogy, developing field didactic thinking and pedagogical decision-making 3. Professional self-concept, professional development and didactics of pedagogy as a source of prefessional growth, professional portfolio and didactic portfolio 4. Teaching pedagogy in secondary schools and observational practice in the field. Providing collegial feedback, hospital records, tools for assessing the quality of teaching pedagogy. 5. Issues of didactic transformation with regard to the specifics of didactics of pedagogy, lesson planning and the structure of teacher preparation for teaching. 6. Goal setting in teaching pedagogy and guiding students to set goals, setting learning outcomes, key competences and expected outcomes 7. Pedagogy textbooks for secondary schools and their analysis, didactic application of pedagogical sources 8. Curriculum of pedagogical subjects at the Pedagogical Lyceum - model didactic analysis 9. Curriculum of pedagogical subjects in the field of pre-school and out-of-school pedagogy - model didactic analysis 10. Curriculum of pedagogical subjects in the field of Social Activity - model didactic analysis 11. Curriculum of pedagogical subjects in the field of Pedagogy for assistants in education - model didactic analysis 12. Reflection on ongoing professional growth, professional development plan, collegial collaboration and its importance Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (10.09.2024)
- names at least 3 specifics of didactics of pedagogy and discusses the relevance of each to pedagogical practice - formulates his/her own idea of how he/she intends to teach pedagogy - interprets the selected content of the RVP, formulates specific teaching objectives - proposes a didactic activity with regard to the formulated objectives and reflects on the conditions for its meaningful implementation - proposes the appropriate content of his/her professional portfolio and develops this portfolio - compares two curricula of pedagogical subjects, identifies specific differences between them and draws out the implications of these differences for teaching Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (11.09.2024)