The course brings orientation in the curriculum of pedagogical subjects at various types of schools, combines theoretical knowledge with didactic analysis of specific teaching situations in the teaching of pedagogy. It leads students to understand the basic planning, teaching, organizational and evaluation activities of a teacher.
Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
Students develop their skills to plan, implement and evaluate teaching. They will demonstrate these skills through their didactic portfolio and professional argumentation.
Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
The course has 5 credits according to ECTS, the total time load of the student corresponds to 135 hours. Expected preparation time for 1 hour of lecture 30 minutes, expected preparation time for 1 hour of seminar 45 minutes, self-study of literature (for the whole semester) 12 hours, work with study materials (for the whole semester) 15 hours, fulfillment of continuous tasks (for the whole semester) 18 hours. Seminar work 10 hours, preparation for the exam and exam 20 hours. Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
Kyriacou, C. (2012). Klíčové dovednosti učitele: cesty k lepšímu vyučování (Vyd. 4). Praha: Portál. Musil, R. (2014). Pedagogika pro střední pedagogické školy. Praha: Informatorium. Národní ústav pro vzdělávání: Rámcové vzdělávací programy [Online]. (2019). Retrieved from http://www.nuv.cz/t/rvp Petty, G. (2013). Moderní vyučování (6., rozš. a přeprac. vyd.). Praha: Portál. Skalková, J. (2007). Obecná didaktika: vyučovací proces, učivo a jeho výběr, metody, organizační formy vyučování. Praha: Grada. Stodůlková, E., & Zapletalová, E. (2015). Pedagogika pro střední školy (Druhé, aktualizované a rozšířené vydání). Beroun: Machart. Šeďová, K., Švaříček, R., & Šalamounová, Z. (2012). Komunikace ve školní třídě. Praha: Portál. Vališová, A., Kasíková, H., & Bureš, M. (2011). Pedagogika pro učitele (2., rozš. a aktualiz. vyd). Praha: Grada. Zormanová, L. (2014). Obecná didaktika: pro studium a praxi. Praha: Grada. Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
Active participation in teaching, portfolio processing and completion of the final colloquium Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
1. The role of motivation in teaching pedagogical subjects, activation of pupils' learning. 2. Teaching models, transmissive and constructivist teaching of pedagogical topics. 3. Forms and methods of teaching pedagogy, effective teaching strategies. 4. Cognitive and affective goals in teaching pedagogical subjects. Assessment of pupils' learning outcomes, feedback and formative assessment. 5. Lesson planning, didactic analysis of the curriculum of a selected topic from the area of introduction to pedagogy. Model teaching and its reflection. 6. Lesson planning, didactic analysis of the curriculum of a selected topic in the field of leisure time pedagogy. Model teaching and its reflection. 7. Lesson planning, didactic analysis of the curriculum of a selected topic in the field of preschool pedagogy. Model teaching and its reflection. 8. Lesson planning, didactic analysis of the curriculum of a selected topic in the field of special pedagogy. Model teaching and its reflection. 9. Lesson planning, didactic analysis of the curriculum of a selected topic in the field of history of pedagogy. Model teaching and its reflection. 10. Reflection and evaluation of lesson preparations, systematic organization and evaluation of materials in the didactic portfolio.
Last update: Mojžíšová Jarmila, PhDr., Ph.D. (02.02.2022)
Adresa sdíleného dokumentu: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1REBjsAOvHqF6x8LbJOr_I27cJAo6rdp51tPfbVTTKJ4/edit?usp=sharing Last update: Zicha Zbyněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.02.2024)