The course focuses on the basics of classical propositional calculus, its axiomatics, semantics, and methods of inference and proof theory. A brief introduction to exploring logical thinking is also included.
Last update: Zavřel Karel, Mgr. Bc. (07.10.2016)
The goal is to introduce the basics of classical propositional calculus, especially its axiomatics and semantics, and main characteristics. The practice in inference and proofs is emphasized.
Last update: JANCARIK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (27.06.2012)
Sochor, Logika pro všechny ochotné myslet. Praha : Karolinum 2011. Smullyan, Jak se jmenuje tahle knížka? Praha : Mladá fronta 1986 (nebo Praha : Portál 2015). Bendová, Sylogistika. Praha : Karolinum 1998. Peregrin, Logika a logiky. Praha : Academia 2004. Smullyan, Navěky nerozhodnuto. Praha : Academia 2003. Barwise, Handbook of Mathematical logic. Nort-Holland, 1977. Last update: Zavřel Karel, Mgr. Bc. (07.10.2016)
Seminar. Last update: JANCARIK/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (27.06.2012)
The course is taught only in Czech, so the requirements are only in Czech. Last update: Jančařík Antonín, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Syllogism. Syllogistics. Proposition. Propositional calculus. Last update: Zavřel Karel, Mgr. Bc. (07.10.2016)