The course interconnects theory with practical problems and dilematic questions. The core of the course lies in specifications of teachers´ethics, problems of teachers´codex and normative legal documents that must be followed by a teacher. Care about the soul, life from own last source, the man is Dzoón logón echón, importance of speaking and speech in phenomenology
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (12.08.2019)
ontological a gnozeological basis of ethics Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (12.08.2019)
Patočka, J. Péče o duši I. Praha : Oikumene, 1996. Hogenová, A. Ontology and Onticity in the 20 th Century. In Philosophy of Education, 2014, 7, 38 – 45. ISSN 1811-096
Hogenová, A. Life from one's own source Philosophy of Education,2014,7,134-143 ID 483664 | rok: 2014 ISSN 1811-0916
Hogenová Anna Telos and Human Life in Telos in the Education Art and Sport,,,7-16 ID 174848 | rok: 2012 | ISBN 978-80-7290-621-5
Hogenová, A. Movement an Art. In Philosophy of Education. 1(26) 2009. ISSN 1811-0916, vyd. Institute of Philosophy of Education at Novosibirsk, s. 74 – 79. Hogenová, A. K Husserlovým pasivním syntézám. Praha : Karolinum, 2014.
Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (12.08.2019)
knowledge of lectures and essay of seloected thinker Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (12.08.2019)
Care about the soul, good and evil ih history and today, ontological, gnoseological presumptions of etics Last update: Esserová Kateřina, DiS. (12.08.2019)