Definition of basic concepts relating to institutional and protective education.
Classification of behavioural disorders from the special education point of view.
Multifactorial approach of behavioural disorders. Current status of institutional and protective education in the CR and other
selected European countries. Provisions for execution of institutional and protective education in the CR (diagnostic
institutions, children´s homes with a school, educational institutions, children´s homes, institutions for foreigners´ children)
Educational-therapeutical approaches towards drug-addicts and drug-habit-forming persons. Bio-psycho-social-spiritual
model of dependence behaviour. System of outpatient and residential care of drug-habit-forming persons. Harm
Reducation. Self helping organizations acting in the CR. Current drug scene in the CR. Program of guided reflection in
special education is a part of these classes.
Last update: MLCKOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (05.03.2010)
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