Teaching Methods and Techniques in Physical Education - O07320119
Practical and theoretical skills and knowledges about physical activities in preschool age and in kindergarten´s schedule (programm). Development of movement abilities and skills by children, forms of P.E., methods of teaching, organization in P. E. Practicaly teaching under supervision of the teacher.
Last update: Erudio ()
Dvořáková, H. Didaktika tělesné výchovy nejmenších dětí a dětí s hendikepy. Praha: UK, 2000. Rámcový a vzdělávací program pro předškolní vzdělávání. www.vuppraha.cz Dvořáková, H. Pohybem a hrou rozvíjíme osobnost dítěte. Praha: Portál, 2000. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (16.09.2005)
Physical activities in "General educational programme for preschoolers". Physical activities and educational spheres, personality of a child. Needs of children, foundation for realization physical activities in the range of regime of nursery school. Physical activities and health. Development of motor skills, forms, methods, organization of PE, project. Requirments - active participation, analysis of a lesson. Oral exam. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (19.09.2005)