On Saturday 19th October 2024 there will be a shutdown of some components of the information system. Especially the work with files in Thesis modules will be particularly unavailable. Please postpone your requests for a later time. |
Training of practical skills. Mastering the teory in practical lessons with differen aims according to the specific health problems.
Last update: Erudio ()
Dvořáková, H. Tělesná výchova v Rámcovém programu: Základní motorika. Praha: PedF UK, 2001. Dvořáková, H. Pohybem a hrou rozvíjíme osobnost dítěte. Praha: Portál, 2002. Berdychová, J. a kol. Tělesná výchova pro pedagogické školy. Praha: SPN, 1983. Dvořáková, H. Sportujeme s nejmenšími. Praha: Olympia, 2001. Hronzová, M. Kondiční a vyrovnávací cvičení. Praha: Mills, 2003. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (15.09.2005)
Correct and wrong posture, physical exercises and their inflience on the posture. Specifics of pre-school children and selection of suitable exercises and activities. Elementary diagnosis, assessment and correcting mistakes. Health and hygienic rules ofr exercising. Application of various requisites. Natural and imitative exercises, balance and orientation training. Combination and attachment of motion with music or drama. Forms of remedial physical education, structure of an exircise unit, organization, didactic principles. Elaboration and ůindependent lading a part of and exercise unit of RPE. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (15.09.2005)