The focus of the course is networking and categorizing the knoledge of drama based on the prior studying and personal experience of the students.From the content: The contexte of drama in education.Diverse applications of drama.Process of drama, his elements and structure. Drama methods and techniques.Objektives and planning of drama-in-education.Evalutation and assessment and drama and history of drama in education.Essetial tendences and types of drama in Czechlands and abroad.
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Bolton,G.Towards a Theory of Drama in Education. London, 1997. Provazník?j.Dramatická výchova a dítě v bludišti dnešního světa.Praha,STD,2001. Provazník,J.K některým otázkám teorie a didaktiky dramatické výchovy.In:Koťátková a kol.Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy. Praha 1998. Valenta,J.Kapitoly z teorie dramatické výchovy.ISV,Praha,1995. Last update: Erudio ()