The content is drama games and exercise, basic knowledge of drama methods and techniques, all together with methodology and variations for pre-schol age. The accent is on the process of drama in education, as possible base of the educational work in nursery school.
Last update: Erudio ()
The aim of the course is the basic insight to the methods and techniques of D.I.E. and its methodology according to educational process in the Nursery school.
Last update: SVOBODO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (12.09.2008)
Budínská,H.Ať si už mohou naše děti ve své škole hrát. Tvořivá hra s nejmenšími. Praha 1992. Kolektiv aut. Malý průvodce dramatickou výchovou v mateřské škole. Praha, 1992. Last update: SVOBODO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (10.09.2008)
lecture + seminar Last update: SVOBODO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (13.09.2008)
Propedeutic games and exercises.
Methods and techniques of D.I.E.
D.I.E. and pre - school aged child.
D.I.E. as the basic method of educational process in Nursery school.
Last update: SVOBODO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (12.09.2008)