Crisis Intervention in Familly, School, and Counselling - O06313059
Crisis intervention at family, school and couselling
The aim of the course is to clear up possibilities of crisis interventions at different sphere - family, school and counselling in the circumstances of clients and counsellers.
To determine crisis, the respect and consequences, the types of solutions - not only in the theory but mainly through training of important process of crisis intervention.
Last update: Erudio ()
Studijní literatura :
Honzák,R., Novotná, Vl.: Krize v životě, život v krizi. Nakl.Road, edice Psyché, 1994 Kopřiva, K. : Lidský vztah jako součást profese. Praha, Portál, 2000 Kratochvíl,S.: Základy psychoterapie. Praha, Portál,1997 Úlehla, I. : Umění pomáhat. Praha , Slon, 1999 Preiss,M.,Vizinová,D.: Psychické trauma a jeho terapie. Praha, Portál, 2000 Schmidbauer,W. : Psychická úskalí pomáhajících profesí. Praha, Portál, 2000 Špatenková N. a kol.: Krize. Psychologický a sociologický fenomén. Praha,Grada Publ.,2004 Špatenková N. a kol.: Krizová intervence pro praxi. Praha, Grada Publ.,2004 Vodáčková,D. a kol.: Krizová intervence. Praha, Portál, 2002 Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)
object :
clear up and qualify the possibilities of crisis interventions in different areas - family, school, counseling - as for clients as helping professions -contens : determine of crisis, the possibilities of causses and consequences, processes of solutions, the specification of interventions. During the course is training of practice of crisis intervention, too.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)