Drawing Techniques In Diagnostics At Psychological Counselling Centres
Diagnostic drawing techniques used at psychological counselling centres, history and principles of these diagnostic methods (nonprojective and projective diagnostics), administration and interpretation principles of drawing tests. Drawing tests for diagnostic perception, graphomotor and intellectual development and personality characteristics at preschool and school age. A review of the main drawing test used in Czech republics and in foreign countries.
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Last update: KUCHARSA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (01.10.2007)
The aim of the course: Introduction to know the common drawing techniques used in school onsulting, advancement of diagnostic skills(administration, evalutaion, intepretation)
The content of the course: "Development of a drawing, develpoment of the form and the contecnt of a drawing, interest in drawing The history of using the drawing in psychodiagnostic Using drawing in psychodiagnostic: a drawing as a instrument of developmental diagnostic, as a indicator of intellectual abilities develpoment, as a personality test Non-projective drawing techniques (Draw-a-person test, Star Wave test, Rey-Osterrieth figure etc.) Projectives drawing techniques (Draw-a-person-test, Baum test, Star Wave test, Draw a family etc.)
Last update: KUCHARSA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (28.09.2007)