Teaching Psychology - Didactics
The courses deals with specific demands of the transmission of psychological knowledge in high schools: general tenets of the cognitive activities during the process of instruction, the teaching of psychology in adolescents as the initiation into the critical thinking, methods of constructivist teaching psychology. Students have to prepare one teaching lesson, realize it in a high school and write a report paper describing and evaluating it.
Last update: TRPISO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.02.2010)
Nakonečný, M.- Černohorský, Z., Modernizace výchovně vzdělávacích metod a organizačních forem výuky psychologie, in Psychológia na stredných školách, Ústredný ústav pre vzdelávanie učitelov v Bratislave, SPN Bratislava 1984, s. 75- 109 Aebli,H. : Psychologická didaktika, (Na pomoc pedagogické praxi 26), KPÚ Praha 1965 Pasch M. a kol.: Od vzdělávacího programu k vyučovací hodině, Portál, Praha 1998 Kalhous,Z., Obst,O. a kol.: Školní didaktika, Portál, Praha 2003
Last update: TRPISO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.02.2010)
Course content :
Basic principals of congitive activities in teaching, didactical communication in teaching psychology at secondary schools, psychology curriculum in teaching at secondary schools, analysis of psychology textbooks, motivating teaching methods, didactical praxes at schools, pattern of teaching lesson, analysing and discussing records of teaching and teaching lessons Last update: TRPISO/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (14.02.2010)