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Course, academic year 2023/2024
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School etnography I - O06313022
Title: Školní etnografie I
Guaranteed by: Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2008
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: Rok3
Old code: ŠKET
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: Mgr. David Doubek, Ph.D.
Classification: Psychology > Special Fields of Psychology
Is interchangeable with: O05313025
Annotation -
School etnography I Etnpographical methodological approach - procedurs. Differences between quantitative - qualitative - etnographical research. School ethnography as a sum of knowledge (concpepts, texts) - as a methodology of research - as an investigative approach to reality. Accent on the latter two aspects. - Ethnographical observation and interview as principal sources of description. Students' analysis: coding - categories - conceptualisation of their description of a particular field.
Last update: Erudio ()
Literature - Czech


Kučera, M.: Školní etnografie: přehled problematiky. Studia paedagogica, 1992, č.8.

Hendl, J.: Úvod do kvalitativního výzkumu. Praha, Karolinum 1999.

Strauss, A., Corbinová, J.: Základy kvalitativního výzkumu. Boskovice, ALBERT 1999.

Takoví jsou jsme. Terénní výzkum studentů Speciální pedagogiky. Praha, Pedagogická fakulta UK 1995.

Last update: Erudio ()
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