The lecture aims to present main points of interest of social and cultural anthropology and, more specifically, to touch intersections and convergencies between anthropology and psychology.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)
Studijní literatura: Murphy, R.F.: Úvod do kulturní a sociální antropologie. Praha 1999, Sociologické nakladatelství. Barnard A.: History and theory in anthropology. Cambridge 2000 : Cambridge University Press, Erickson, P.A., Murphy, L.D.: A History of Anthropological Theory, Ontario 1998, Broadview Press. Referátová literatura: Malinowski, Bronislaw.: Argonauts of the western Pacific: an account of native enterprise and adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. Evans-Pritchard, E. E.: Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande. Benedictová, R.: Kulturní vzorce. Praha 1999, Argo Shostaková M.: Nisa, dcera Kungů, Praha 1993, Mladá Fronta Mead, M.: Coming of Age in Samoa. American Museum of Natural History. 1973.
Články: (A): Spradley, J.P., McCurdy, D.: Conformity & Conflict. Readings in Cultural Anthropology, Eight Edition. New York 1994, HarperCollins College Publishers.
(B) Macionis, J.J., Benokraitis, N.V.: Seeing Ourselves. Classic, Contemporary and Cross-Cultural Readings in Sociology. New Jersey 1995, Prentice Hall.
Doplňující literatura: Budil I.T.: Mýtus, jazyk a kulturní antropologie - Praha 1999, Triton Hubinger, V. Honzák, F. Polišenský, J.: Národy celého světa. Praha 1985, Mladá fronta Kottak, C. P.: Cultural Antropology. New York 1991, McGraw-Hill Rogers, A.: Lidé a kultury. Praha 1994. Salzmann, Z.: Jazyk, kultura a společnost : úvod do lingvistické antropologie . Praha 1997, Ústav pro etnografii a folkloristiku Akademie věd ČR. Soukup V.: Přehled antropologických teorií kultury 2000 Soukup, V.: Dějiny sociální a kulturní antropologie. Praha 1996, Karolinum. Vodáková, O, Soukup, V.: Sociální a kulturní antropologie [2000] Wolf J.: Kulturní a sociální antropologie. Praha 1971, Svoboda..
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)
The lecture aims to present main points of interest of social and cultural anthropology and, more specifically, to touch intersections and convergencies between anthropology and psychology. Cultural and social anthropology will be introduced as a science, that is deeply rooted in empirical research. Fundamental issues in the history of the discipline will be discussed as well as main theoretical schools before the field revolution of Malinowski and Boas and after. Important questions of economy, power, social structure, ideology, culture will be briefly covered as well as more specific questions of culture and personality, culture and cognition.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)