Psychological methodology II. (on the topic of school children games)
qualitative methodology, field-research, relations in the field, observations and interviews, presentation of the data (description of the class group, description of games), analysis (interpretation of one selected game), heuristic work with tables (taxonomy of games), theoretical sensitivity (reflection through the own results about some known theory), integration (system of games vs. life of the group).
Last update: Erudio ()
Callois, G.: Hry a lidé. Praha, Studio Ypsilon 1998 Huizinga, J.: Homo ludens. Praha, Mladá fronta 1971 Kučera, M.: K problematice hry: příklad pubertální třídy. Lidé města, 1999, č. 1, str. 68 - 79 Last update: Erudio ()