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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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General Psychology II - O06313002
Title: Obecná psychologie II
Guaranteed by: Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Faculty: Faculty of Education
Actual: from 2009
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (3)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Is provided by: OBPS13002
Explanation: Rok1
Old code: OBPS
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Lenka Hříbková, CSc.
doc. PhDr. Isabella Pavelková, CSc.
doc. PhDr. Vladimír Chrz, Ph.D.
Classification: Psychology > Foundations of Psychology
Pre-requisite : O06313001
Is pre-requisite for: O06313012, O06313020, O06313061, O06313006
Annotation -
General psychology mind, consciousness, unconsciousness, experience, behavior, action, personality, subjective reality, mental phenomenon, determination of mental phenomena, mental and psychological laws, characterization of knowledge, processual and content analysis, processual, systemic and structural approach, psychical processes, cognitive processes, content of cognitive processes: sensation, psychophysics, stimuli thresholds, reaction time, perceptual processes, imagination, fancy, memory, learning, thinking as problem solving, processes of thought, operation of thought, comprehension processes, intelligence, gift, ability, talent, concept-formation processes, inference processes, deductive reasoning, speech, language, thinking and speech, thinking and language, creativity, formal cognitive processes: attention, emotional processes, will, voluntary action, voluntary processes, motivation, interaction of psychical processes, models of interaction of psychical processes. Cognitive psychology paradigm of cognitive psychologie, information-processing paradigm, symbol, symbolic processes, sign, meaning, modularity, mental rotation, mental representation, mental model, mental maps, semantic network, network models; cognitive science, connectionism, connectionistic model, subsemantic network.
Last update: Erudio ()
Literature - Czech
Aktinsonová, R.l., Aktinson, R.C., Smith, E.E., Bem, D.J.,

Nohen-Hoeksema, S.: Psychologie. Praha, Victoria Publishing, l995.

Gleitman, H." Basic Psyxchology, New York, W.W. Norton, l987, 2nd edition.

Nakonečný, M.: Obecná psychologie, II. část, Psychické procesy.

Praha, UK, l99l.

Švancara, J., Vašina, L. Kostroň, L.: Kapitoly z kognitivní psychologie. Brno, MU, l99l.

Švancara, J.: Úvod do kognitivní psychologie. Brno, MU, l993.

Meili, R., Rohracher, H.: Učebnice experimentální psychologie. Praha

SPN, l967.

Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)
Syllabus -

General psychology

mind, consciousness, unconsciousness, experience, behavior, action, personality, subjective reality, mental phenomenon, determination of mental phenomena, mental and psychological laws, characterization of knowledge, processual and content analysis, processual, systemic and structural approach, psychical processes, cognitive processes, content of cognitive processes: sensation, psychophysics, stimuli thresholds, reaction time, perceptual processes, imagination, fancy, memory, learning, thinking as problem solving, processes of thought, operation of thought, comprehension processes, intelligence, gift, ability, talent, concept-formation processes, inference processes, deductive reasoning, speech, language, thinking and speech, thinking and language, creativity, formal cognitive processes: attention, emotional processes, will, voluntary action, voluntary processes, motivation, interaction of psychical processes, models of interaction of psychical processes.

Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)
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