Suitable exercises for particular typec of impairment: locomonor apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous systej, exercises for senzory deprivation, specifics of female exercises of the elderly, exercises for psychical impairment and for mentaly handicapped paople. Individual management of exercise lessons and laeading of class work.
Last update: HAJKOVAJ (12.04.2005)
Kyralová, M., Matoušová, M. Zdravotní tělesná výchova II. Praha: Onyx, 1995. Vojta, V., Peters, A. Vojtův princip. Praha: Grada, 1995. Kučera, M. a kol. Pohyb v prevenci a terapii. Praha: UK, 1996. Kvapilík, J., Černá, M. Pohybová aktivita mentálně posižených. Praha: NCPZ, 1992. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (12.04.2005)
Suitable exercises for particular types of impairment: locomotor apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous system, exercises for sensory deprivation, specifics of female exercises, exercises of the elderly, exercises for psychical impairment and for mentaly handicapped people. Requirements - individal management of exercise lessons and leading of class work. Last update: HAJKOVAJ (19.09.2005)