Introduction to Technical Education - O02319031
Subject Introduction into technical education allows students to get not only basic knowledge of their program and of technical education's evolution and it's place in different types of school not only in our country, but also in foreign countries, but the basic overview about evolution of science and technique, historical period and history of chosen technical program. The goal of this subject is not only to teach basic knowledge from the history and evolution of science and technique, but especially their usage for effective motivation of pupils in the teaching process of technically focused subjects.
Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (22.09.2005)
KRAVAL, I. Základy objektově orientovaného programování. Praha : Computer Press, 1998.
JÍLEK, F., KUBA, J., JÍLKOVÁ, J. Světové vynálezy v datech. Praha : MF 1977.
LILLEY, S. Stroje a lidé v dějinách. Praha : 1973.
MOŠNA, F., aj. Úvod do studia základů techniky. Praha : SPN, 1989.
MOŠNA, F. a kol. Didaktika technické výchovy. Praha : UK 1992.
Vzdělávací program ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA. Praha : Fortuna 1996.
Last update: Erudio ()
o Technical education as a program o History of manual work and technical education o Technical education on the primary school o High school and information and technical education o Technical education in foreign schools and systems o Science and technic in society o Development of science and technic Last update: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (22.09.2005)