The course handles basic aesthetic categories, aesthetic dimensions of life, nature of aesthetic relation defined in view of the theoretical and practical (relation between beauty and sustainability, appropriateness and purpose, good and truth). It also examines position of art in the aesthetic sphere and in the issue of aesthetic and artistic value.
Last update: MARADOVA (12.07.2005)
GADAMER, H.G. Aktualita krásného. Bratislava: Filozofia do vrecka, 2003. ISBN 80-86138-48-8. JUZL, M. a PROKOP, D. Úvod do estetiky. Praha: Panorama, 1989. ISBN 80-7038-051-9. PERNIOLA, M. Estetika 20. století. Praha: Karolinum, 2000. ISBN 80-246-0213-X Last update: MARADOVA (21.06.2005)
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Last update: MARADOVA (22.09.2005)