Methods of Mathematical Analysis - O02310025
Revision and classification of basic facts from mathematical analysis (including hiatorical contexts and relations to other branches of Mathematics). Didactical interpretation of basic notions of mathematical analysis into mathematical instruction at basic and high school with emphasis on their propedeutics and construction of suitable separated models. The course is focused on succesive building-up and substantiation of the notion of a function in the history of Mathematics and on correct introduction of elementary functions.
Last update: Erudio ()
Beckmann, P.: Historie čísla p , Academia, Praha 1998 Riečan, B. - Bero, P.: Funkce (pro II. ročník tříd gymnázií se zaměřením na matematiku), SPN, Praha 1991 Veselý, J.: Matematická analýza pro učitele, I. a II. díl, MATFYZPRESS, Praha 1997 Last update: Erudio ()
Student zapíše jeden z kurzů Metody matematické analýzy nebo Funkce více proměnných. Last update: Erudio ()