Children, parents and teachers in the interaction
historical evolution of the family, family stucture and family life( legitimacy and authority of the family and the school( relationship of the family and the school( family history and family stories( school in the family story( life project and carreer development of children between school and family.
Last update: Erudio ()
Literatura Matoušek, O.: Rodina jako instituce a vztahová síť. Praha, SLON 1993. PSŠE: Co se v mládí naučíš. Praha, PedF UK 1992. PSŠE: Typy žáků. Praha, PedF UK 1995. Možný, I.: Moderní rodina. Brno, Blok 199O. a Sociologie rodiny, SLON 1999. Štech, S. : Vývoj poznatků o vztahu rodiny a školy. Československá psychologie 1997, roč. 41, č.6, s. 487-502. De Singly, F.: Sociologie současné rodiny. Praha, Portál 1999 Štech, S.;Viktorová, I.: Vztah školy a rodiny - hledání dialogu. In: Předškolní a primární pedagogika (Pupala, B.; Kolláriková, Z. eds). Praha, Portál 2001, s.57- 93. Datum: 20.9.2005 Vedoucí katedry: Doc. PhDr.Stanislav Štech, CSc. Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)
In the following course there wil be discussion of some of the processes involved as families and teachers participate in the task of socialisation of children. We believe often that simple contact and communication should revolve the problem of socializing children, thereby eradicating the differences or even the contradictions and conflicts betveen school and family. The course will try to demostrate that the misunderstandig between two social worlds is socially normal. The distance between school and family is necesary for the healthy development of children, and is good for the adults as well.
1.Development of relationship school - family 2.School and family as the major forces in the child socialisation procces. 3.Contacts and communication between school and family. 4.Legitimacy and authority of today´s school and family 5.School succes. 6.Family story and the school 7.Career development between school and family
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)