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Gifted Children
Historical review of conceptions of the gifted, concepts of gittedness, giftedness research, definition of giftedness, indicators of giftedness, some general characteristics of the gifted children, promlems of the gifted, identification, strategies of identification of the gifted, types of identification instruments, different pupils - different teaching, education of the gifted, enrichment and acceleration, a teacher of the gifted pupils, literature on giftedness.
Last update: Erudio ()
Literatura: Dočkal, V. a kol.: Psychológia nadania. Bratislava, SPN 1987. Heller, K.A. - Mönks, F.J. - Sternberg, R.J. - Subotnik, R.F. (Eds.): International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent. Oxford, Elsevier 2000. Hříbková, L.: Nadání a nadaní. Praha, UK Pedagogická fakulta 2005. Jurášková, J.: Základy pedagogiky nadaných. Pezinok, Formát 2003. Laznibalová, J.: Nadané dieta, jeho vývin, vzdelanie a podporovanie. Bratislava, Iris 2001.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)
Historical review of conceptions of the gifted, concepts of giftedness, giftedness research, definition of giftedness, indicators of giftedness, some general characteristics of the gifted children, problems of the gifted, identification of the gifted, strategies of identification, types of identification instruments, different pupils - different teaching, education of the gifted, enrichment and acceleration, a teacher of the gifted pupils, literature on giftedness.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.09.2005)