Course: School Psychology
The course is focused on school and counseling psychology.
Keywords: Pupil and educational situation. Model of psychic structure of educated individual. Psychology of school class. Diagnostics of social and educational environment. Specific development disorders of learning abilities. Counseling for gifted and talented. Pupils and sudents with problems and their marking.
Course of educational practise
(psychological part)
Psychological analysis of educational situations in school, diagnostic methods: observation, classification of observational methods, interviewing, sociometry, social position of students in a classroom, motivation to succees and motivation to avoid failure, psychological problems of evaluation, school-familly cooperation.
Last update: Erudio ()
Hrabal, Vl. ( 2001) : Ped. psychologická diagnostika žáka, Pedf UK. Hrabal,Vl. (2002): Sociální psychologie pro učitele, UK, Praha. Matoušek, O. Kroftová, A. (2000): Mládež a delikvence, Portál, Praha. Výrost, J., Slaměník, I. (2001): Aplikovaná sociální psychologie II., Vágnerová, M. ( 1995) : Psychologie školního dítěte, HTF,UK, Portál, Praha. Vágnerová, M. ( 1995, 2001) : Psychologie problémového dítěte školního věku, UK HTF, Praha. Hadj Moussová a kol. (2002, 2004, 2005): Diagnostika, pedagogicko - psychologické poradenství II., Intervence, pedagogicko.- psychologické poradenství III., Vybrané problémy , pedagogicko-psychologické poradenství I., UK PedF, Praha.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)
The goal of this course is to increase the sensitivity of future teachers for pedagogical- psychological situations in a school practice.
Course contents: School and counseling psychology in a teacher's education. Present system of counseling services in schools. Pupil and educational situation. Model of psychic structure of educated individual. Psychology of school class. Diagnostics of social and educational environment. Specific development disorders of learning abilities. Counseling for gifted and talented. Pupils and sudents with problems and their marking.
Last update: Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2005)