Theory of drama in education - O01315219
The focus of the course is networking and categorizing the knoledge og drama based on the prior studying and personal experience of the students. From the content:The contexte of drama in education. Diverse aplication of drama. Process of drama, his elements and sructure. Shapes of drama lessons. Drama methods and techniques. Objektives and planning of drama process. Evaluation and assessment and drama. Some looks into a history of drama-in-education.
Last update: Erudio ()
Bolton,G.: Towards a Theory of Drama in Education. London,1979. Machková, E.: Úvod do studia dramatické výchovy. Praha,1998. Morgan, N.;Saxton, J.: Vyučování dramatu. Praha,2001. Provazník, J.:K některým otázkám teorie a didaktiky dramatické výchovy. In Koťátková,S. a kol.:Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy. Praha,1998. Last update: Erudio ()