Nuclear constituents, nuclear forces, nuclear transmutations, elementary particles - basic interactions, applications of nuclear physics, detection of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter.
Last update: T_KVOF (18.05.2001)
Nuclear constituents, nuclear forces, nuclear transmutations, elementary particles - basic interactions, applications of nuclear physics, detection of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter. Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
Úlehla, Suk, Trka: Atomy - jádra - částice, Akademia, 1990 (kniha)
Janča, Kapička, Štěrba, Trka: Obecná fyzika IV, SPN, 1989 (skripta) Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
přednáška Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
Zkouška je ústní, může zahrnovat i prezentaci řešení zadaného problému či úlohy. Last update: Dolejší Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc. (11.10.2017)
The Composition of the Nucleus.
Ground State Properties of Nuclei (Mass, Radius, Momenta)
Nuclear Forces (Binding Energy, Nuclear Forces Properties and Explanation, Energy Levels)
Nuclei Models (Examples: Liquid-Drop, Shells)
Nuclei Transformations (Radioactivity, Reactions, Conservation Laws)
Radioactivity (Characteristics, Decay Law, Alpha, Beta, Gamma Decays)
Nuclear Reactions (Types, Energy Conservation, Cross Section, Compound Nucleus)
Fission, Fussion and Nuclear Reactors (Safety Issues, Dosimetry)
Elementary Particles:
Fundamental Interactions (Properties, Conservation Laws), Particles (Categories, Properties, Antiparticles). Hadrons (Multiplets, Quarks). Interactions (Exchange Model, Unification). Last update: T_UCJF (22.05.2003)