Multivariate Statistical Analysis - NSTP018
Normal, Wishart and Hotelling distributions. Canonical correlations.
Principal components. Factor, discriminant and cluster analyses.
Use of libraries of statistical programs.
Last update: T_MUUK (22.11.2000)
To explain selected methods of multivariate statistics. Last update: G_M (27.05.2009)
Hebák P., Hustopecký J.: Vícerozměrné statistické metody s aplikacemi. SNTL-Alfa. Praha, 1987
Mardia K.V., Kent J.T., Bobby J.M.: Multivariate Analysis. Academia Press. London, 1979
Rao C.R.: Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications. 2nd edition. Wile. New York, 1973. (existuje český překlad) Last update: T_KPMS (16.05.2003)
Lecture+exercises. Last update: G_M (27.05.2008)
Normal, Wishart and Hotelling distributions. Canonical correlations. Principal components. Factor, discriminant and cluster analyses. Use of libraries of statistical programs. Last update: T_KPMS (16.05.2003)