The FORTRAN 77 programming language with practical examples.
Last update: T_FUUK (14.05.2004)
see annotation Last update: T_FUUK (18.05.2008)
Successful passing of the exam is a condition for completing the course. Last update: Barvík Ivan, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.10.2019)
Hřebíček J. a kol.: Programovací jazyk FORTRAN 77 a vědeckotechnické výpočty. Academia, Praha 1989 Last update: T_FUUK (18.05.2008)
lecture and practice Last update: T_FUUK (18.05.2008)
Development of programming languages, origin of FORTRAN and its significance for solving of numerical problems. A brief comparison of FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, Pascal and the C language. Rules for coding. Types of variables. Storage of variables of different types in memory. Arithmetical expressions. Standard functions. The assignment statement. The compilation and linking of programs on PC and some workstations. 2. BRANCHING Unconditional jump statement. Logical operations. Arithmetical, logical and block IF constructs. 3. LOOPS Single and nested do-loops, exit from a do-loop. Summation of infinite series and continued fractions. 4. ARRAYS Declaration of arrays, storage of vectors and matrices in memory. Scalar and vector products, matrix multiplication. The game of LIFE. 5. INPUT AND OUTPUT Input and output units, FORMAT statement. Output of vectors and matrices. 6. FUNCTION SUBPROGRAM Local and global variables. Transfer of parameters, side effect of a function. EXTERNAL statement. Statement functions. 7. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM Comparison with FUNCTION subprogram. Additional entry points, alternate return. Transfer of arrays into subprograms. 8. SHARED VARIABLES Labeled and blank COMMON blocks, declarations. A use of the EQUIVALENCE statement for data conversions. SAVE statement. 9. CHARACTER VARIABLES Declaration, concatenation operator, standard functions LEN and INDEX. Character substrings. 10. DISK I/O Classification of disk files ? formatted/unformatted/binary, with sequential or direct access. File opening and closing, read and write operations. Tests for file existence, determination of the end_of_file during the read operation. 11. DEBUGGING The rules for correct programs writing, debugging principles and operations. 12. FORTRAN 90 Some new features of the language: array operations, pointers, new standard functions, modules, user-defined data types, dynamic variables. 13. PROGRAM LIBRARIES How to use the subprograms from the Numerical recipes, LAPACK, EISPACK. Last update: T_FUUK (14.05.2004)