Independent analysis of a real data set, scientific report writing.
Last update: T_KPMS (07.05.2015)
Practice in analysis of real data and scientific report writing. Last update: T_KPMS (07.05.2015)
Požadavky k zápočtu: Každý týden odevzdávat práci podle zadaného úkolu, koncem semestru odevzdat uspokojivou výzkumnou zprávu, zpracovat oponenturu.
Charakter zápočtu neumožňuje opravné termíny. Last update: Zichová Jitka, RNDr., Dr. (23.04.2018)
Depending on problems to be solved. More information on the seminar web site https://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~maciak/nmst551_2425.php. Last update: Maciak Matúš, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (02.10.2024)
Seminar. Last update: T_KPMS (16.05.2013)
Statistical approach to real-life problém solving. Independent analysis of a real data set, scientific report writing. Emphasis is put on the following topics:
1. Processing of data before analysis. 2. Suitable choice of a statistical model 3. Formulation of the objectives. 4. Conduct of the analysis. 5. Correct interpretation of the results. 6. Creation of a comprehensible, objective and well formatted scientific report. Last update: T_KPMS (16.09.2014)
This course assumes good knowledge of theoretical foundations and practical applications of linear regression, logistic regression, loglinear models, GEE, and linear mixed effects models. Programming skills with R statistical software and LaTeX document processing system are also beneficial. Last update: Kulich Michal, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (25.05.2018)