Nonlinear differential equations in divergence form.
Carathéodory grow condition, Nemycki operator.
Variational methods and applications of theory of monotone a potential operators.
Numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations by abstract numerical methods.
Existence of the solution, stability, consistency and convergence of abstract numerical methods.
Last update: T_KNM (02.04.2015)
Oral examination according to sylabus. Last update: Dolejší Vít, prof. RNDr., Ph.D., DSc. (07.06.2019)
DOLEJŠÍ V., NAJZAR K. Nelineární funkcionální analýza, 2011, skripta MFF UK, 202 s. ISBN 978-80-7378-137-8 FUČÍK S., KUFNER A. Nelineární diferenciální rovnice, 1978, SNTL, 344 s. ZEIDLER E. Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications I, II, III, 1984, 1985, 1986, Springer BÖHMER K. Numerical methods for nonlinear elliptic differential equations 2010, Oxford University Press. xxvii, 746s. ISBN 978-0-19-957704-0 Last update: T_KNM (15.09.2013)
Oral examination of topics discussed at the lectures. Last update: Vlasák Miloslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (11.10.2017)
Nonlinear differential equations in divergence form.
Caratheodory growth condition, Nemycky operators.
Variational methods and aplication of theory of monotone and potential operator, proof of existence of solution.
Numerical solution of nonlinear diferential equation by abstract numerical method.
Existence of solution, stability, consistency, convergence of abstract numerical method.
Application on conforming finite element method and discontinuous Galerkin method. Last update: T_KNM (15.09.2013)
Basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, finite element method, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Knowledge of nonlinear functional analysis. Last update: Vlasák Miloslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (12.05.2018)