On Saturday 19th October 2024 there will be a shutdown of some components of the information system. Especially the work with files in Thesis modules will be particularly unavailable. Please postpone your requests for a later time. |
Basic techniques of existence proofs of nonlinear operator solutions in Banach and Hilbert spaces.
Teory of monotone, pseudomonotone and potential operators.
Abstract numerical methods for solving nonlinear operator equations.
Last update: T_KNM (02.04.2015)
Oral examination of topics discussed at the lectures Last update: Congreve Scott, Ph.D. (27.04.2020)
DOLEJŠÍ V., NAJZAR K. Nelineární funkcionální analýza, 2011, skripta MFF UK, 202 s. ISBN 978-80-7378-137-8 FRANCŮ J. Úvod do teorie monotónních operátorů, 1987, skripta VUT Brno FUČÍK S., NEČAS J., SOUČEK J., SOUČEK V. Spectral analysis of nonlinear operators, 1973, Springer ISBN 978-3-540-06484-8 ZEIDLER E. Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications I, 1984, Springer PASCALI D., SBURLAN S. Nonlinear mappings of monotone type, 1978, Editura academiei, x 341 s., ISBN 90-286-0118-X Last update: T_KNM (15.09.2013)
Oral examination of topics discussed at the lectures Last update: Vlasák Miloslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.02.2018)
Resuming basics from functional analysis.
Existence theorem.
Theory of monotone operators, pseudomonotone operators.
Generalisations of existence theorem.
Theory of potential operators.
Abstract numerical methods for solving nonlinear operator equations. Last update: T_KNM (15.09.2013)
Basic knowledge of functional analysis. Last update: Vlasák Miloslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (12.05.2018)