A copy of JEB006. Students became familiar with mathematical analysis of functions of several variables, linear algebra, series and Riemann integral. The presented methods are useful for solving problems in economics, mainly problems from microeconomics.
Last update: G_M (07.05.2014)
For the completion of the course two conditions are required. 1) At least 50 points from the below 100 Points have to be collected. 2) A minimum 25 points have to be achieved in the final exam. The final exam is worth maximally 50 points. Further maximal 50 points will be distributed in homeworks, practicals, midterms and presentations.
Last update: Schwarzacher Sebastian, doc., Dr. (27.01.2021)
See NMMA711. Last update: Zelený Miroslav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (12.05.2018)
The exam will consist of the material according to the sylabus as covered during lectures and seminars. For details on grading and parts of the exam see Course completion requirements. Last update: Schwarzacher Sebastian, doc., Dr. (27.01.2021)
Functions of several variables: smooth functions, implicit function theorem, free and constrained extrema.
Linear algebra: basic matrix operations, determinants, solution of systems of linear equations.
Antiderivative and the Riemann integral: substitution, integration by partes, Newton-Leibniz formula, definition of the Riemann integral.
Last update: Schwarzacher Sebastian, doc., Dr. (27.01.2021)
Mathematics on the high-school level as well as familiarity with the concepts presented in Mathematics 1 (NMMA711). Last update: Schwarzacher Sebastian, doc., Dr. (27.01.2021)