A basic course of mathematics for students of FSV UK - the first semester. Students become familiar with
mathematical analysis of functions of one variable. The presented methods are
convenient for solving problems in economy.
Last update: Kaplický Petr, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (14.09.2017)
To be eligible to take the exam, the students must actively participate in the course.
Towards the end of the semester, there will be a practise written exam, where a few bonus points for the final exam may be gained.
Grading: The total score is obtained as the sum of the points. The final grade depends on the total score as follows.
51-60 points ... "E" 61-70 points ... "D" 71-80 points ... "C" 81-90 points ... "B" 91-100 points ... "A"
Final Exam takes part in the examination period at the end of the semester and consists of two parts.
Written part. Students have 90 minutes to solve problems on limit of a function, derivatives, investigation of a function. The students may NOT use any literature or electronic devices during the test.
Oral part follows typically the day after the written exam. The oral part tests understanding the definitions and theorems and selected proofs and the ability to apply them. During the oral part only pencil and paper are allowed. Each student should prepare answers within approximately 40 minutes. Then the student should present answers and should answer complementary questions.
Last update: Honzík Petr, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2019)
Hájkova, Johanis, John, Kalenda, Zelený: Mathematics
Further reading: A,. C. Chiang: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, McGraw-Hill Education V. A. Zorich: Mathematical analysis I, Springer, 2004 W. Rudin: Principles of mathematical analysis, McGraw-Hil, Inc., 1976 Last update: Zelený Miroslav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (11.05.2018)
1. Introduction: sets, logic, sets of numbers, supremum and infimum, minimum and maximum. 2. Sequences: limit of a sequence - finite and infinite, theorem on limit of a monotone sequence. 3. Functions of one variable: limit of function, elementary functions and their properties, derivative, properties of continuous functions, Langrange theorem, finding of extrema, convex and concave functions, investigation of function and construction of its graph. Last update: Bárta Tomáš, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (12.09.2017)