An introductory course in complex analysis. Required course for bachelor's programs General Mathematics
and Information Security.
Last update: G_M (16.05.2012)
Introduction to complex analysis. Last update: G_M (27.04.2012)
The exam will be written. The student will receive credit for active participation in exercises. Last update: Lávička Roman, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2022)
Základní literatura
Veselý, J.: Komplexní analýza (pro učitele), Karolinum Praha, 2000.
Novák, B.: Analýza v komplexním oboru (skripta), SPN Praha, 1980.
Kopáček, J.: Příklady z matematiky nejen pro fyziky IV, Matfyzpress 2009. Doplňková literatura. Rudin, W.: Analýza v reálném a komplexním oboru, Academia Praha, 1977; přepracované vydání 2003 Last update: Kalenda Ondřej, prof. RNDr., Ph.D., DSc. (29.09.2017)
Lecture and exercises Last update: G_M (27.04.2012)
Requirements to the exam correspond to the syllabus to the extent to which topics were covered during lectures and tutorials. Last update: Lávička Roman, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (26.05.2019)
Holomorphic functions.
Power series and elementary functions.
Path integral.
The local Cauchy theorem and its applications.
Isolated singularities.
The Laurent series, residues.
The global Cauchy theorem and formula Last update: Kaplický Petr, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (29.05.2017)