Error-correcting Codes - NMIB004
An introduction to basic linear block codes, their properties, applications and methods of decoding. Part of the course also
focuses on theoretic limits of effectiveness of block codes.
Last update: T_KA (21.05.2009)
Cameron, van Lint: Designs, graphs, codes and their links, Cambridge Univ. Press 1991;
MacWilliams, Sloane: The theory of error-correcting codes, North-Holland 1977. Last update: T_KA (21.05.2009)
Cyclic codes and their algebraic interpretation. Hamming, Reed-Muller and BCH codes. Decoding - general and algebraic aspect. Connections with designs. QR-codes and Golay codes. Channel capacity, error probability and Shannon Theorem. Totally secure ciphers. Estimates and limits.
Last update: T_KA (23.05.2003)