Population theory. Life tables. Mortality rate. Construction of life tables.
Multiple decrements models.
Last update: T_KPMS (13.05.2013)
The aim of the subject is to inform students about practice of the quantitative analysis of characteristics of human populations, especially of the mortality, to make a survey of methods of decrement tables construction, to explain the interpretation of such tables and their association with mathematical models. Last update: T_KPMS (13.05.2013)
Oral exam. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Benjamin, B., Pollard, J.H. : The Analysis of Mortality and Other Actuarial Statistics. Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, London, 1993
Bowers, N.L. et al.: Actuarial Mathematics. The Society of Actuaries, Itasca, 1986
Brown, R.L.: Introduction to the mathematics of demography. ACTEX Publications, Winsted and Avon, Connecticut, 1991
Koschin, F.: Aktuárská demografie. VŠE Praha, 1993 Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Lecture. Last update: T_KPMS (13.05.2013)
Oral exam with written preparation. Requirements for the exam consist of the entire extent of the lecture. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (29.10.2019)
Population theory. Life tables. Mortality rate. Construction of life tables. Selection. Dynamic mortality modeling. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.04.2018)
Fundamentals of analysis of functions of one real variable - derivative, integral. Basics of probability theory - distribution of random variables, moments. Last update: Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.05.2018)