Selected Topics on Dynamic Meteorology - NMET503
Advanced chapters of atmospheric dynamics, energetics and circulation
Last update: T_KMOP (09.05.2004)
Ústní zkouška s obsahem daným sylabem předmětu. Možno individuálně upravit dle tématu dizertace. Last update: Bednář Jan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (09.10.2017)
Pechala F., Bednář J.: Příručka dynamické meteorologie. Academia, Praha, 1991. Holton J. R.: An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. Acad. Press, New York, 1992 Pearce R. P. (ed.): Meteorology at the Millennium. Acad. Press, London, 2001. Last update: T_KMOP (12.01.2007)
Advanced schemes of atmospheric circulation, applications of circulation theorems, interpretations of potencial vorticity, atmospheric circulation and wave processes in flow, transformations of energy in earth atmosphere, thermodynamic, potential and kinetic energy in atmospheric processes, available potential energy, dynamical and energetic interpretations of ageostrophic wind components. Last update: T_KMOP (09.05.2004)