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Ekman-odvození.pdf | The derivation of the Ekman spiral solution | Mgr. Vladimír Fuka, Ph.D. |
Physical processes in the lowermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere affected with the physical properties of this surface. Knowledge gained from lecture on dynamic meteorology is supposed.
Last update: BRECHLER/MFF.CUNI.CZ (25.04.2008)
Student will gain basic knowledge about atmospheric boundary layer processes. It can be used in a wide spectrum of applications (i.a., air-pollution dispersion, parametrizations in numerical models, fluid flow modelling). Last update: Fuka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.06.2022)
Exercise credit - active participation on exercises or submission of the exercise problems' solution in the form of homework.
Examination - a written examination followed by an oral part. A succesful written part is a condition for the oral part.
Last update: Pišoft Petr, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (16.01.2024)
Official textbooks: (1) Stull, R.B.: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology. Kluwer A.P., 2003 (2) Pope, S.B.: Turbulent Flows. Cambridge University Press, 2000 Additional literature: Arya, P. S.: Introduction to Micrometeorology. Academic Press, 2001 Garratt, J. R.: The atmospheric boundary layer. Cambridge University Press, 1992 Last update: Fuka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.06.2022)
Lectures + practicals (demonstrations of computations using the taught methods, problem solving, data visualisation, usage of simple models). Last update: Fuka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.06.2022)
Topics according to the syllabus.
Topics for the oral part:
1. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, Reynolds stresses, closure problem. 2. Mixing length, turbulent diffusion coefficient, turbulence models (closure problem). 3. The boundary layer and the surface layer, Ekman spiral, velocity profile in the surface layer. 4. Convective boundary layer: characteristic profiles of temperature, flow velocity and turbulent fluxes. 5. Stable boundary layer: characteristic profiles of temperature, flow velocity and turbulent fluxes. 6. Interaction of the boundary layer and the Earth surface, fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture. 7. Radiation and thermal balance of the Earth surface. 8. Turbulent kinetic energy, its mechanical and thermal production and its dissipation. 9. Spectrum of the turbulent kinetic energy, isotropic and non-isotropic turbulence. 10. Similarity theory and scaling, Buckingham π theorem. 11. Obukhov length, Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. 12. Atmospheric boundary layer in urban areas (roughness and inertial sublayer, velocity profiles). 13. Flow over mountain obstacles, the effect of stratification. 14. Approaches to modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer, large eddy simulation. 15. Methods of observation of the boundary layer, methods for experiments in laboratory research of turbulent flow. Last update: Fuka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.06.2022)
1. Specification of the atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) concept. Theory of viscous flow, Navier-Stokes equations, dynamics similarity criteria. 2. Turbulence, mechanical and thermal sources of turbulence, equations of turbulent flow. Reynold's stresses, closure problem, Prandtl's theory of the mixing length, coefficients of turbulent exchange of momentum, heat and passive scalar. Isotropic and anisotropic turbulence, intensity of turbulence, dynamic (friction) velocity. 3. Theory of the constant flux layer, theory of the spiral layer. Laminar (viscous) sublayer, vertical velocity profiles within the constant flux layer, Taylor (Ekman) spiral and its generalization for real atmosphere. 4. Heat and moisture diffusion in the PBL, courses of temperature and moisture parameters within the PBL, convection, convective and diffusive fluxes, conditions for evaporation within the PBL, radiative processes. Transformation of energy within the PBL, kinetic energy of turbulent flow, Richardson number, Monin-Obukhov length, non-dimensional profiles and the universal function. 5. Basic approaches of turbulence parametrization in the equarions of motion, models of turbulence, DNS, LES, ILES. Function of the wall. Last update: Fuka Vladimír, Mgr., Ph.D. (15.06.2022)
Znalosti dynamiky tekutin na úrovni předmětu NMET034 Hydrodynamika Last update: Mikšovský Jiří, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (12.02.2019)