Given a real-life problem presentation and data, the teams of
students are supposed to suggest an approach to find a tractable
way to the problem solution and to write a report.
Limited number of students. Students in non-degree programme cannot enrol in this seminar.
Last update: Omelka Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (19.01.2023)
The objective is getting experience in team work on a real problem including data preparation, making out the final report and defending it. Last update: Omelka Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (30.11.2020)
Conditions for successful completion of the seminar: attendance at checkpoints, submission of high-quality work at the given deadline, preparation of the assigned review and active participation in the final presentations. The nature of the credit (zápočet) does not allow it to be repeated. Students in non-degree programme cannot enrol in this seminar. Last update: Hlávka Zdeněk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (19.01.2023)
According to problems to be solved. Last update: Omelka Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (30.11.2020)
Seminar: elaboration and presentation of a real project, usually with an economic focus. The faculty computing cluster can be used for more demanding data analyses and processing of large data sets. Last update: Hlávka Zdeněk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (19.01.2023)
very good knowledge of linear regression, time series analysis and optimization Last update: Kopa Miloš, doc. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D. (09.12.2020)